
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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(2015-11-22 12:12:28) 下一個

The First Emperor of China

700,000 figures in Qin Yong: Military figures frozen in time, showing how the emperor dictates his armys.

1) formation of arm battle quadrants

2) sword is longer than others, adding cutting edge in battle field.

3) Priminster Lu Bu-wei's signature on all sword weapons.

4) Spiritual army protects him in spitritual world.

5) Defined his kingdom with blood and heavy hands.

6) All guided by one will of mine.







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Published on Feb 17, 2013

Qin Shi Huang 259 BC -- 210 BC. was the king of the Chinese State of Qin from 246 BC to 221 BC, during the Warring States Period. He became the first emperor of a unified China in 221 BC He ruled until his death in 210 BC at the age of 49. Calling himself the First Emperor after China's unification, Qín Shǐ Huáng is a pivotal figure in Chinese history, ushering in nearly two millennia of imperial rule. After unifying China, he and his chief advisor Li Si passed a series of major economic and political reforms. He undertook gigantic projects, including building and unifying various sections of the Great Wall of China, the now famous city-sized mausoleum guarded by the life-sized Terracotta Army, and a massive national road system.

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Fun Fact: The emperor is played by James Pax who played Lightning in John Carpenter's Big Trouble in Little China.?
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I like how Li Su basically predicted the Three Kingdoms era?
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2000 years old weapons still usable today.... with guarantee of quality stamped by the minister it self..? what happened china LOL ??
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+Faisal Abdulaziz And the fucking Mongols bring lots of Muslims into China.Mongols and Manchus could basically invent nothing unlike Han.?
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1:10:45 If you fear disturbing spirits then I don't think you've got any right to call yourself an archaeologist.?
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+L1ttleT3d It could be out of respect. You're just making a blind assumption narrowing a broad statement based on your own preconceptions. very scientific of you...?
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+Imnotacop I'm not narrowing a broad statement, I'm responding to the statement as it was made. Having "No interest to disturb the Emperor's spirit" clearly indicates a belief in spirits. You could say the documentary misspoke or overstated it, maybe. I don't know what you'd be basing that on but if I'm going to respond to a documentary I'm sort of restricted to responding to what it says.?
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Chinese History is really interesting, China has always been a very fascinating civilization on our Planet !?
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+Just another Atheist your planet?sounded like you own it,feckin idiot.?
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In nearly every single documentary I've watched about some past ruler/King/Emperor/dictator/etc. I have heard at least one of the so-called "scholars" use the term "New World Order." What is it with this term? Why is everyone using it to describe past rulers and their goals? Even politicians are using it in speeches in the past 10 years or so.?
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+UrbanKemites7 Part of that perfecting of their plan is brainwashing the public into believing they're already free. In that agenda they have succeeded, for the most part. That's why it is so difficult to get people to listen and understand their true condition - that of a serf, for all intents and purposes.?
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Yes...they need to know that Africa was well out of the so-called caves thousands of years before anybody and gave Civilisation to ALL. As the lords of this plain, now they are calling Black African racist for speaking the truth....what a joke!?
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Our true past was one big bloody savage knife fight, you were there, you have been killed and have killed millions of times before to be where you are now. The truth relating to conscious life has been revealed and those who know rise above animals, Google Truth Contest and read the top entry.?
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You sound insane?
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+Grace Ful Let's face it the only reason why anyone went to that website (I did not! Lol) is because her Avi is hot, but ya'll should know its not really Miss Gracie picture!! Lol?
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I really wish CA would make a total war china?
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the guards hear the noises and don't investigate.......okay then?
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THE MOST AMERICAN ACCENT EVER! when in ancient China 10/10?
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Very strange feeling, looking at my ancestry, Life was so harsh back then..and so discipline..I am curious to see inside the tomb, Hope China will open it one day,.....?
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Without the first emperor over 2200 years ago, China would become the second europe, with many states or countries from one same origin. Then the history of world would be much more different than now's. And USA Canada Australia would not exist ever, even Japan India...?
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+aczbdk I was talking about a hypnosis what would happen if Chinese states did not unite. I did not say China discovered America first. Whatever makes you happy. vikings whatever. I do feel that you know little about Chinese history. Chinese civilization has been the most advanced for most part of recorded human history. ?
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She Chi Suie Chi Suie meaning pregnant women and Suie meaning Red Suie meaning Thorn's or Needle of She Sheba Chi?
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43:00 The moment you realize the king is more professional than these assassins...?
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+Chen Kevin lol, we use this for the history essay only...?
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+Chen Kevin lol?
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WTF, English conversation??
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+HK_Nation 1841 yes,but we wouldn`t know how close it`s,maybe nothing alike .two thousand years ago the official language it`s called 雅語 used in the court. and later on another period 南京話 was used as official language. in ancient china they all used 白話文 with their own local dialect ,so i guess nowadays anyone that speak 普通話`it`s considered 文言文,and people that dosen`t speak普通話it`s considered 白話文 ,not just cantonese??
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+Wang James It probably is nothing like 古文 at all, hence my original post saying it's normal the video uses English.?
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Jesus Jesus of house Alaq Malaq Malqah Mother Sahiba Sheba Muhammad in and Ally Hussein of the terracotta army of the first Empire of unification of common unity commonest Dragonball Z Xing Zain Khan Xain Chi Brain xingchi Chinese Machine Ma Star Master of Sacrifice Alif life laam Ameen accept alliance Sallah Allah Goddess one Um Ma Makkah Madina Kashmir Pakistan City called Dina Makkah Madina birthplace of first emperor?
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鬼扯! China這個名稱是清末的時候才出現的,以前一直隻叫中原,中土。 秦始皇隻算中原土地上第一個用皇帝的統治者。 他當年統治的地域可不包括現在中國大多數省份。 南邊北部還有不少少數民族統治政權存在。?
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+apple Ling 全世界就日本,還有一些華人假鬼子,精神日本人,喜歡用 支那 這個詞。我實在提不起興趣了,你萌以為這個詞能刺激到大陸人,其實很膚淺,當你以為你在用 侮辱性的曆史詞語 刺激別人的時候,也在自掉身價。?
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+apple Ling 我學上的也不少,書讀的也不少,看的東西也不少,知道你萌喜歡用這些套路,詭辯,用名詞解釋來糊弄別人。我知道怎麽反駁你萌,但是現在沒什麽興趣。隻說一點吧,你如果堅持中國沒有少數民族,還不如提 台灣沒有華人,沒有本省人 外省人,隻有原住民。?
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I am from Chu,the southern one of those six countries,although Qin conquered our country,however,about ten years later,the rebellions from our country-Chu, conquered whole China and slaughter all Qin Shi Huang's family members include his son in this document movie.Then the next Chinese dynasty-Han Dynasty was built by Chu's people.Then Chinese people named our race as Han-Chinese util today. Chu is the real winner instead of Qin.All the pandas live in Chu.?
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+卡門山迪亞戈 Nobody care?
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+Kenny Zhang i do?
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