"Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine." What a co-incidence! Thanks.
Don't you remember that moment - when her gaze meets yours, the capture of soul prisoners, the moment forever - the moment frozen in your memory for a lifetime.
Who told me how to post YouTube - a portable skill I can use from now on.
"As Time Goes By" - Casablanca - The Original Sam (Dooley Wilson) song
Published on Apr 3, 2013
Casablanca won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture. Its lead character Humphrey Bogart, it's memorable line "Play it again Sam" and pervasive theme song "As Time Goes By" have all become iconic; and the film consistently ranks near the top of lists of the greatest films of all time. And so this brings us to Arthur "Dooley" Wilson (April 3, 1886 -- May 30, 1953) an American actor and singer who is best remembered as the piano-player and singer "Sam" who sings "As Time Goes By" at the request of Ingrid Bergman in this Classic 1942 Film 'Casablanca' -- the Sam in the famously misremembered line "Play it again, Sam" -- is a phrase which was never actually spoken in the film. And so I have made it a point to intro this video with the actual film clip of the spoken line in the Movie - J.R.
Published on Jul 8, 2015
Ingrid and Isabella Rossellini (fraternal twins), and Pia Lindstrom discuss their mother with much affection. Ingrid also had a son, Robertino Rossellini. I think it is so interesting that even though Ingrid and Isabella look very different, they both look very much like their mother. I believe this show took place anywhere from 2002 to 2010 - if anyone knows the year, please let me know and I will add it. Thanks. (UPDATE: the date is 2002, thanks londonuser111.)
用伏特加調的雞尾酒,我隻記得Bloody Mary 和 Screw Driver 二種。Bloody Mary 名氣很響,“血腥的瑪麗”,顧名思義就是源於十七世紀鐵腕鎮壓英國新教徒的瑪麗一世,還有一說是,這個酒是酒保為海明威在巴黎Ritz 酒店調製的;加冰塊,用V8的蕃茄汁加上三四撞 Vodka, on the rock, 然後在杯子口斜插一枝西芹嫩頭,就是Bloody Mary,有時候有客人要求加tobasco sauce, 雞尾酒給弄得又鹹又酸又辣,我是沒有興趣品嚐。
還有一種用伏特加調的酒,叫screwdriver, 用橙汁兌伏特加,也是加冰塊 on the rock, 刨一片橙皮再絞一絞擱在杯中就好了,清清爽爽,好看好喝。 以前我一直以為是叫 school driver 呢,酒色鮮黃鮮黃的很 makes sense。直到寫這個酒篇,我 google 了才知道是叫screwdriver,don't ask me why it is named as screwdriver,因為我實在想不出道理。
後來喝到過 sex on the beach, 名字妖冶蠱惑人心,其實就是 screwdriver 裏再兌cranberry juice。
Vodka straight up 是後來在牛腰的 Brighten Beach 的俄國猶太人俱樂部裏喝過的,俄猶俱樂部陣勢嚇人,大菜一道一道上,以為吃飽了人家講正餐還沒開始來。酒也是,absolute vodka 不是一杯一杯上桌的而是一瓶一瓶送上來。