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2016 First Republican Presidential Debate: attacking

(2015-08-07 12:22:44) 下一個
Attacking current gov system (including president) gotta your foot into the door, a ticket to the House. All these 10 guys did just that, but a bunch of slogans or sound bites.

Attack, attack, attack, the other part of the party .... attack some more.

I don't think much these can do as they've been "in American government system" except two guys Ben Carson and Donald Trump. If you can't do when you're in the system, how can you lead a country.

As I saw (below, video clip), I saw a show to illustrate how you like a person, not his solutions for the country.

Ben Carson made sense, "our strength as a nation, is our unity, not divide by our skin color, our religion, our difference of ideas."

You can't lead a nation by attacking your fellow citizens.

"Freedom is not free. We've to fight for it." Ben Carson.

You can't fight each other for your own gain, but you got for the majority.

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FULL: 2016 First Republican Presidential Debate- Top 10 Candidates





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Published on Aug 6, 2015

FULL: 2016 First Republican Presidential Debate- 8-6-15 featuring the top 10 candidates including Donald Trump.

Just to let everyone know: I had to chop out about 45 seconds of some parts of where TRUMP spoke because UNIVISON filed a copyright claim on this video claiming they owned the video, when they clearly don't...they are only doing it because of Trump.  That's why some of the video had to be cut out...but only about 45 seconds. Sorry about that. See this image for proof: http://postimg.org/image/58ivo8wtb/ That ought to tell you something. The Mexican government does not like Mr. Trump. And Univision is pissed at Trump for suing them. Hope he gets that 500,000,000 from them.
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trump is no chump !! god bless america !!!
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I don't think there's a single person in there who isn't a fucking psychopath.
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+CometRyu + Legubrit Rand Paul doesn't look bad
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+lesterknome Childish remakes to Christie, can't stand his ground on Israel, nope, just as bad as the rest.
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Ideals are strengthened by the challenges they endure. Listen to Bernie Sanders and test your preconceptions. Bernie Sanders 2016
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+Tory Despres Name one country where Socialism works. What the hell is wrong with you to give up your freedom.
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Yea lets vote bernie sanders.. a jew that most likely works for the mossad.. no thanks.
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Ben carrson 2016
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Wow this was meant to try to get people not to like Trump. Why don't the media want him in?
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It's complicated ????
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Bernie Sanders on tonight's debate: "The Republican debates are over. Not one word about income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United or student debt. That's why the Republicans are so out of touch with the American people. What I heard was more tax breaks for the rich, more people losing health insurance and more talk about war. This is not what we need."
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+ijirving I know! The funny thing is that it's mostly low income Americans supporting him because all they think about is illegal immigration which probably doesnt affect them at all.
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Magic is correct fox only tackled the issues they wanted people to hear which is not good journalism. Abortion and god though I am religious are not major talking points though they are important social issues. Those are responsibilities of the states. Education should have been discussed much more as a whole and not common core. Immigration was a good proper talking point to discuss.
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What kind of uninformed monster would deny a woman an abortion in case of rape or a life-threatening situation ? Also, that neurosurgeon is obviously not saying what he thinks about the issue.
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+Tim Ledgerwood And you are religious nutjob.
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Rubio said it right at 27:40.  People are completely taking advantage of America by coming in illegally, while a whole bunch of people come in legally and taking the time and money effort to do so.  We can deal with illegal immigrants in the country after we secure the border. Why do the illegal immigrants get special privileges, while the legal ones don't.
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+Sulfen It start at the door ! If the door is locked no one can come in ,but as it stands right now Obama has it wide open !
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I love Trump. I believe in him. Let's get him into the White House so he can redecorate it as an American institution again.
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Im not convinced yet. I'm not sure he can be fully believed in as his arguments don't have much of a leg to stand on and his former behaviors appear to be less than presidential material. He worries me mostly cause he seems to act on assumption as of now. I feel like he'd be more of a celebrity than a president.
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Trump would be a better vp. He has swagger but a lack of experience with connecting to everyone. It's his way or the highway and I dont know what he stands for
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We can't let any of these right wingers win!
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+Luke Milton HA look what the Left wingers left us ? Nothing but Bullshit ! and 19 trillion dollars in debt along with 25 million illegal aliens? Wow your shit for brains!
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43:58 Donald supports a weak democratic candid. But this may be the reason why Donald supports this candid v=FlTSQqmBwWg. 54:24 Of coarse you want that person to win.
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Fox forced Mr. Trump to remain in a fight/flight throughout. Your goals were to make a spectacle of him for the world to see. I'm very proud that he was able to keep it together and fight, because that's what he does. I don't believe most of the other candidates could have held it together as good as Mr. Trump did. SHAME ON YOU. I feel very very sad for Mr. Trump. Did you really think that you were going to force him to promise anything by backing him into a corner like that? Did you think you can, when no one else could, get him to make that promise? You were looking to brag to the world, "Hey, everyone, look what I made Mr. Trump do." I am left to believe that FOX collaborated this, so as to claim they saved the GOP election. VERY DISTASTEFUL.
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+Zeta Reticuli Guess you just don't understand the brilliance in what he said. 
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Get religion out of the government! That last question was absolutely ridiculous.
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A debate about who is going to run our goverment. I don't want to hear about how god spoke to them about their policies, I want to hear about how they're going to get this country out of debt.
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+patrick beltran Did any of them say they want god in govt? They may have religious conviction or strength from faith but it seemed the candidates explained how their faith mattered to them.
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Chris Christie is CORRUPT! He vetoed a bill that was supposed to ban gestation crates for pigs (the small crates in which females pigs can't move around in and have to stay in them for 6 to 7 months of their lives with no freedom). I don't get which person would veto an animal cruelty bill that would save millions of tortured pigs from suffering in those small crates. Obviously the meat industry paid him to veto it. I don't trust this guy.
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WTF why have you edited this, all the trump parts are scrambled!!!
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Not all the parts, only 1 or 2
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+Looncan Damn Univision falsely claimed copyrights so that we wouldn't get to see the things Trump said. They obviously want him to fail.
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And the candidates that wont change a god dam thing cause there all the same and its just a big facade of democracy but its fun to watch and that's all that matters,let the goofy games begin
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Megyn Kelly---cute, but girl, shorten those fake eyelashes of yours.
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+tedGEGI This is such a stupid comment. Stop judging her. The fact that you felt the need to post about her looks rather than the important issues says a lot.
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Cool story, bro.
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Bernie Sanders is closer to the teachings of christ than these guys.
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+Philip Haggard So because potguy1000 is a so called hippie, he cannot read or have a understanding the bible? Or maybe he practices Christianity, Jesus does say to take care of the earth and all that's in it. Are you a christian?
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I didn't know stealing 90% of an individual's money and holding them at gunpoint was biblical
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Trump was truly entertaining, I love his incendiary divide & conquer approach, he is bringing the whole Republican Ship down, so fun to watch!
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+Josue Rodriguez you`re certainly entitled to your opinion.however to say bush is more qualified????? lol thats a good one.

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