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Dwight Eisenhower, WW2 commander hero never in combat

(2015-07-31 21:10:29) 下一個
As lieutenant colonel at 47 years old, without any combat experience, Ike commanded WW2 American troop due to his easy charm, optimism, can-do-attitude, family magnetic, his pastor-spirit mom, all of these helped him work with so many countries' command-in-chief.


Son, John
Grandson, David

American Experience Dwight Eisenhower Part 1 2 PBS Documentary

Eisenhower was the best president this county had during my generation. He kept the US out of foreign wars and the middle class grew. For those who criticized his so-called lack of civil rights involvement, may I remind them that he sent in federal troops to make sure that African American students were allowed to be enrolled in schools long before JFK did.
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damn, 5 minutes in and all i can say is.......WHY IS THE MUSIC SO DAMN LOUD??? i can barely hear the narration
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i could listen to David McCullough narrate the phone book. First noticed him in the Ken Burns docs and this one was good as well. too bad he isn't around anymore
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+dopefish250 just noticed he isn't dead
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Tommy Lee Jones could  almost double as Steve Ambrose....they look like brothers
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I know Eisenhower, the Soldier, more then Eisenhower, the President. Like all generals of WWII he had his flaws and weaknesses, but he was always honest about it. His willingness to not "toot his horn" so to speak is what differentiated him to the other famous Allied generals like Patton, Degaulle and Montgomery. I think that in the end is what really makes him famous.
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Thanks America, thanks again and again, for giving to the world, in utterly delicate times, a person with such integrity, honesty and good sense like our beloved Ike, and for giving him the power to put into practice such qualities. My General! Always yours, Ike! Great upload, obliged!
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+nucleardubs If your "opinion" is solely based on that "book" then I am sorry to have to inform you that you actually know nothing about Eisenhower. That garbage by Baque is complete propaganda, a horrible work of fiction written by an irresponsible so-called writer.
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America is in debt to Dwight Eisenhower . Every president since is a joke. You saw what the did to Kennedy! He was the last to the jew banker bastards! I was not born yet and I know he was the best. Obama and Clinton's is the biggest shame to America
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I like Ike! I'll say it over a mike! But I hate Mamie! She's such a nasty old dike!
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Eisenhower was a desk jockey.  He was smart and we must have administrators for certain things.  But that was what he was, he was only a Lt. Colonel near the beginning of the war, he owed George Marshall everything he ever had.  Eisenhower, MacArthur and Fredenhall are my least favorite Generals of WWII.  I would like to watch this though, but TEN COMMERCIALS??  HE ain't worth suffering through all of that.  BB
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+Bob Burnitt Of course Stalin was just as murderous a dictator as Hitler. What's your point? The Cold War was "unnecessary"---so you think America and Britain, once we reached Berlin and defeated Germany...should have then declared war on the Soviet Union? I'm not sure what your point is.  Stalin presided over a Police State just as evil as Nazi Germany, but attacking the Soviet Union in 1945 would have been pure insanity. Again, what is your point?
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+beavis408  Stalin ran in and SEIZED most of Europe.  He told Eisenhower that He (Stalin) did not want it, then he convinced Eisenhower that Eisenhower did not want it, and the Stalin Seized it.  The Peace was handled VERY BADLY and we accomplished little, just traded one dictator for another.  When the war was over most of Europe was still ruled by a Gawd-awful Dictator.  That is my point, I thought everybody knew that.  It is simply the truth.  If it had of required declaring War on the Soviet Union we should have done it.  Whatever it took.  That is what we should have done, nobody had the balls or the smarts to do that.  Truman and Eisenhower failed us.  God, Truman was just so fifth rate it is beyond description.  BB
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Thank you for posting this important video. For some reason PBS has not converted this to DVD ... and it is now very difficult to find (Amazon has VHS for $197). I have seen all the other AE Presidents and thus was excited to finally see this. Ike is certainly my favorite GOP president and his story is amazing. Imagine how things may have turned out if that U2 was never shot out of the sky on 5-1-60. Thanks again!!!! 
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I do not claim to be an expert on ww2 nor a professional historian but i have read allot on the subject. Churchill and ike probably were the most important people to the allied victory in europe. the eastern theater is a different story however.
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Contrary to what Andy Rooney, et alia allege, I don't think that Kay Sommersby was ALL that. I mean, how could someone who resembles 'Nurse Ratchet' serve as an ostensible object of desire? No, Kay was a spinster-like school marm who exuded masculine qualities, especially with that beastly 40's style hairdo and daubef on makeup.
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eisenhower, a true american hero, strong, committed, faithful, gentleman
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+PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! eisenhower was a liar and a mass murderer. See author James Baque's book "Other Losses"
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He also warned us about the military industrial complex with his farewell address
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Stalin killed over 20 million. Hitler did not kill that many! FOOLS! Franklin D Roosevelt was the fall of America. Roosevelt was a dickhead sell out
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Last Great President the last 4 Presidents. this country has had have been a joke Obama is a Muslim Nazi pig.
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Eisenhower, one of the greatest war criminals of World War II - a hypocrite, a trickster, a liar and a mass murderer! The creep was personally responsible for killing approx. one and a half million German soldiers and civilians, AFTER THE WAR HAD FINISHED! By purposeful neglect, the Swedish Jew (Eisenhower) purposefully neglected to provide shelter, food and medical provisions for those that surrendered into his jurisdiction. May God punish him severely for his dirty, filthy crimes.
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+Bobby Brand - See my response to your comment at top of page. I wanted others to see your stupidity.
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+Bobby Brand Wow Bobby, you are quite a piece of work. What is the fair market value for a soul on the open market these days?
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eisenhower was a mass muderer resposible for the deaths of over a million people. See "eisenhower's rhine meadow death camps" or read James Baque's book "Other Losses"
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Where are you from Sal?
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There is a nationalist slant to this "history."  It is absurd to say that Eisenhower "launched" the biggest operation of the war on D-Day when several Soviet offensives were ten times as large. An example of the difference in scale is the invasion of Sicily. The entire number of allied troops committed to successfully conquer Sicily was about the same as the mortal casualties the Soviets suffered at the Battle of Kursk, which happened at the same time. That battle forever took the initiative out of German hands for the remainder of the war and it took place when no British or American troop stood on continental soil. The dispositive action of the war was taking place in the Soviet Union when the Western allies were fighting over an island, located with military irrelevance--except for training and make-work purposes, in the Mediterranean Sea. The ten thousand Germans killed at Falaise--here billed as an important battle, was a typical day's bounty of German dead for months-on-end on the Eastern front. Do not take your history from a TV entertainments.  The hyperbolic nationalistic liberties taken with the statement of facts makes much of what is told here nothing more than nationalist self-back slapping.  That is unfortunate, because the contributions on the West were great and at horrible cost. The factual excesses of these scriptwriters deprive the entertainment of an association with the historical  record and diminishes their credibility unnecessarily. It seems, Americans want their history to comport with Clint Eastwood's view of the world.   The oft featured herein "historian" Steven Ambrose was a serial plagiarizer whose credibility as a scholar did not exist when he died, even though he had been a popular Eisenhower's biographer. He should have been a TV script writer, where his lack of scholarship and bad ethics might not has stunk up the place so bad.   
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+Chuck U. Farley II Britain admits to using US support. The USSR will not admit it even though it got a lot of money and resources from the US>
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