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Zuckerberg Wife Priscilla Chan's Ruby Ring

(2012-05-25 10:34:28) 下一個

Zuckerberg Wife Priscilla Chan's Ruby Ring May Be Valuable After All

By Joanna Douglas, Senior Fashion and Beauty Editor

Priscilla Chan showed off her new ruby ring at lunch with a friend. Photo by Deano / Splash NewsBillionaire Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, 28, is getting a lot of flack for being cheap with his new bride. He married Priscilla Chan, 27, in a surprise ceremony in their backyard last Saturday and Chan wore an off-the-rack dress by Claire Pettibon. No fancy venue or Vera Wang gown for this bride! Experts consulted by the UK paper The Daily Mail are claiming Zuckerberg was too frugal and thoughtless because of the "very simple" ruby ring he gave Chan (the AP reported that he designed it himself). However, an expert consulted by Yahoo! Shine points out that rubies are extremely significant and popular in Asian culture, and can potentially be more expensive than diamonds.

Celebrity rings and their knock-offs

Thanks to Facebook going public, Zuckerberg is now worth over $20 billion (at least, he was before stock price started to fall), and though he's partial to wearing casual hoodies, he may still have bought his long-term girlfriend a nice ring. Chan was spotted showing off her new bling at lunch with a friend in Palo Alto, California on Wednesday, and while the jewelry designer and price of the ring remain undisclosed, a ruby expert told Yahoo! Shine exclusively that the ring could have cost over $100,000.

Facebook's Zuckerberg caps IPO week with wedding

"It's a small stone, but rubies can be extremely expensive," says Michael Arnstein, CEO of the Natural Sapphire Company. He estimates the size of Chan's ruby to be 2.75 to 3 carats. Rubies of that size cost from $20,000 for a low quality stone, to up to $100,000 for a higher quality one. "The value depends on the quality of the ruby, and it's hard to tell for sure from the photo," Arnstein says. "A Burmese ruby, which this definitely looks like, can cost upwards of $100,000." The two diamonds flanking the ruby look to be around 1 carat combined, and could tack an extra $5,000 on to the price tag. 

As for Zuckerberg's choice of a ruby, Arnstein is not surprised. "Red has more meaning and emotion in Asia," he says, and Zuckerberg's Chinese-American bride may have requested a ruby ring because it "identifies where she comes from culturally." Rubies are a symbol of wisdom--what better for the new medical school graduate? And, the jewelry expert points out that Zuckerberg and Chan are conservative, and the engagement ring isn't too flashy but rather something she'd feel comfortable wearing every day. Arnstein also says the setting appears to be yellow gold, which is also more traditional in Asian culture. "Zuckerberg loves her and would have bought her anything she wanted, but this is probably what her grandmother had."

Arnstein says untreated rubies can be the most expensive stones of all. On May 15, a 32-carat ruby and diamond ring sold for a record $6.6 million at Christie's.

Rubies, however, come with many tricky issues. Zaven "Zee" Ghanimian G.G., designer for Simon G Jewelry, tells Yahoo! Shine that there are many fakes on the market. "Synthetic rubies have been produced from a very long time and can be difficult to spot. It usually takes a trained professional, gemologist or a gem lab." Ghanimian says currently the good rubies in this country come from Africa, "but the quality is not like a Burmese Ruby."

An estimated 90 percent of the world's rubies originate in Myanmar (formerly Burma) and are known in the trade as "blood rubies." They've been embargoed in the U.S. since 2008. Arnstein points out that if Chan's ring is a Burmese ruby, the stone would have to have been in the country before the embargo. "I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts that this is a Burmese ruby and it's from a small jeweler and [the jeweler] broke the law," says Arnstein. "[Zuckerberg] potentially didn't know, but this is probably a smuggled stone. He'd need proper documentation which I'm pretty darn sure he's not going to have." Arnstein says Zuckerberg would have to obtain the ruby though an auction house, vintage store, or jeweler carrying gems from before the embargo.

We've reached out to Zuckerberg for more info on the ruby ring, but have received no comment at press time.

Related links:
Meet Mark Zuckerberg's Bride Priscilla Chan. She Had a Big Week Too.
10 Biggest Celeb Engagement Rings
Sheryl Sandberg: Facebook's Billion-Dollar Woman


Meet Mark Zuckerberg's Bride Priscilla Chan. She Had a Big Week Too.

By Piper Weiss, Shine Staff


the only one who's had a big week. On Monday, Priscilla Chan, the longtime partner of the 28-year-old Facebook founder-earned her medical degree from the top institution in the country, just days after inspiring a revolution in organ donor access. Also: her boyfriend just turned his first job into $19 billion dollars. Am I forgetting anything? Yes: They got married.

On Saturday, a small group of friends and family expecting to attend a party for Chan's graduation were surprised by an impromptu wedding in the backyard of their $7 million Palo Alto home. The couple had been secretly planning the event for months, on top of all the other projects on their plates. Zuckerberg even found time to design the ruby ring for his bride.

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So far it's been a good month for Priscilla, the Harvard alum who met Zuckerberg at a campus frat party almost a decade ago. On May 14, while the tech world marked Zuckerberg's 28th birthday, Chan was picking up her degree from UCSF's School of Medicine, and even icing her degree with membership into the exclusive National Medical Honor Society.

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While her new husband's expertise seems to be in working the market into a frenzy, Chan's specialty is in pediatrics. Already, her medical experience is saving lives on a large scale. Earlier this month, Facebook launched a new feature allowing users to add their organ donation status to their profiles. Zuckerberg credits the idea to Chan. "She's going to be a pediatrician, so our dinner conversations are often about Facebook and the kids that she's meeting," Zuckerberg told ABC News. After a few particularly heart-rending accounts of children in need of organ transplants at her hospital, Facebook's C.E.O developed the donor tool and effectively enlisted over a thousand new donors in a matter of days, according to Donor Life.

Photos: Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan on vacation together

It was a shift for Zuckerberg's brand, more often linked to lawsuits and financial speculation than saving lives. But 'Cilla,' as her boyfriend calls her, is in many ways Facebook's better half. The woman not so much behind the man, but running parallel, with equally bold strides. It's a new improved model for the so-called billionaire's wife.

After the couple made their union truly official by changing their status to "married" on Facebook, financial pundits were already speculating on a pre-nup. The Daily Telegraph's Rosa Prince noted the timing of the wedding may not qualify Chan for her husband's IPO earnings, according to California law.

If you ask Donald Trump, and unfortunately someone at CNBC's Squawk Box did, Chan would walk away with a chunk of change in the event of a pre-nup free divorce (that's jumping the gun a little, no?)

If they divorced, says Trump, "she hits the jackpot like nobody...I could see the lawyers and the lawsuit right now. Without her brilliant decision-making, he would have never come through. She advised him, she made dinner for him, she's entitled to at least $10 billion."

This is all assuming that Chan even wants her new husband's assets in the event of a divorce. Not everyone thinks, or dates, like Trump. For now, it seems Chan's big concern is saving the lives of kids, and that's probably one reason why her unfathomably rich husband loves her. As the world stares slack-jawed at Zuckerberg's accomplishments, he's doing the same with his new wife.

After Priscilla earned her degree Monday, Mark posted the following message for her on Facebook.

I'm so proud of you, Dr. Chan : )

Yes, that's a billion dollar emoticon smile. 

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Linda  •  New York, New York  •  6 days ago

I like how this guy picks this girl who is ordinary in looks. He picked her for who and how she is. They are two young professionals, down to earth, educated, nice to see....and their parents must be so proud of them!!

He will be happy he found someone real,and not some post fortune golddigger. good for them! All of the haters who are saying she isnt cute probably dont even have a girl as cute as her. Looks fade, love can last forever. few billion cant hurt either but hey...

Wisdom101  •  6 days ago

Two brilliant brains with down to earth approaches to life, I truly admire the substance of these two very young professionals for not chasing superficial "stuffs" in life. Please don't change, Dr. Chan and Mr. Facebook, hats off to you both!

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Andrea 1 hour 9 minutes ago

There is actually nothing simple about them and that is what makes the match so facinating. Two people identified in their own right by their ambitions and accomplishments. The new power couple of America. I love it!! Money doesn't matter. It's all about what you as an individual have to offer that will bring impact in your life and to the lives of others.


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Carney 48 minutes ago

Hey Mark, really love your choice in a bride, natural looking without all of the fake stuff, makeup etc. Have a happy life, and trust God, that is who gave you guys your brains.

resilient  •  9 hours ago

Unless someone knows her/him personally how do we know they're a nice couple, down to earth, humble, real? I know he's a huge Obama supporting lib. I also know from looking at this picture (and who knows, maybe the luggage got lost and she had to buy on the spot???) that fashion sense isn't important...Not sure what that stare of his is about, is it directed at the lady and the kid? Just glad nobody in our family is famous. It's a breath of fresh air to be a "nobody" in public.

o    Get over it, there are a lot of people out there who are Obama supporters. Deal with it. I bet you only like fetuses and once the people are actually born you hate them. Now crawl back under your rock. PS: You honestly do NOT sound very resilient.

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Nancy 4 hours ago

Yep, now that I think about it, she's a pediatrician involved in organ donations for kids. Just as I thought--they're already-born kids rather than fetuses, so from your idiotic perspective she and her husband are not a "nice" couple. Figures.

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Assem 4 hours ago

they both definitely, need a fashion consultant! Her look is ridiculously awful...and he looks like a teenager who lives in a farm. Totally not matching their level (intellectual, socio-status, all of the possible levels), unless it's done on purpose to not attract paparazzi.

·         This couple fell in love before Facebook and medical degree. Brains and business sense just shows down to earth people with favor. I think he is wondering if the woman in the forefront recognizes him. That could be a concern. Why don't we just drop the race card.


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Mariano Vasquez  •  Los Angeles, California  •  6 days ago

Mark is lucky to have precila chan .SHE don't care about his
money .She care about him . Dr .you are doing great .


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chan long  •  Livingston, New Jersey  •  6 days ago

Nice looking couple!! God bless to the both of you


Wow!Beauty and brain is something rare but she got it.Perfect match i must say. I love her dedication to helping kids,really touching.


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TJ  •  6 days ago

I love how in the photo caption, it denotes where Zuckerberg is standing with an "(R)"...I get the feeling that Yahoo doesn't think too highly of the intellect of its readers...which is also confirmed by the no-talent writers they employ to write dumbed-down articles!

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Prviate  •  1 day 17 hours ago

He has to get rid of that hood... it says he doesn't care about his image, and how people think of him. It is going to backfire. Loose the hoodie.


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boba tea  •  6 days ago

happiness is what you see in his face. LOL

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G.  •  Chicago, Illinois  •  6 days ago

Thank God, that Mark Zuckerberg did not go for hollywood celebrities that will turn around to divorce him and get 75% of his money. Mark keep what you gat boy !!!


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Red  •  Boston, Massachusetts  •  6 days ago

I am very happy for both of them. I pray they don't fall into the trap of shallowness but perservere to do great things for many. Our politicians, our atheletes (not all) have lost their way. Please be the leaders your parents would be proud of. The world is yours--take it and make a difference!!!... More


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rashid  •  Seoul, South Korea  •  6 days ago

Adorable and admirable. Mark, you are just having it all.


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john  •  Escondido, California  •  6 days ago

Mark is a smart man, picked a good woman, they will do well together, wishing them the best!


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