

My Rocky Mountain trip - 後記

(2013-08-24 23:22:07) 下一個

8月份老公從外地回來,為了慰勞我前段時間的辛苦, 特批我出門度假,他一個人在家帶孩子幾天。趕緊報了韓國旅行團,4天3夜banff行,簡單收拾行李就出發了。

This is such a magic world,
I passed the ocean and the semi-desert within two hours.
The sky is so blue,
And the snow is so white,
Even the bear is as cute as my lover.
I admire the mountains with the wild forest,
They are so mysterious like green giants,
Do they ever be conquered by any adventurers?
I adore the waterfalls and the lakes,
They are so gracious and so pure,
Shouldn't they lie in the heaven as angels' tears?
Oh, nature, amazing nature!
The ice field glitters in the sunshine like a diamond,
The morning mist floats like a scarf around the glacier;
Colorful rainbows opened victory gates for us,
Sudden pouring rains couldn't wash away our sweet dreams.
Oh, nature, beautiful nature!
There is so much fun to memorize,
Every scenery print in my head
like an antique picture hanging forever.
It is time to say goodbye though I don't want to depart,
Please wait for me because I will sure be back.
This has been my trip, my happy trip,
It is not only OK, but a wonderful tour.
Thank you, our heroes - dear David and James Bond.

注: David and James 分別是我們OK旅行團的司機和導遊。

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