最近巧了, 先是AMA妹妹寄給我看"The Lady", 是法國大導演呂貝宋導演,楊紫瓊主演的昂山素季, 而後不久就讀到了顧大狹的緬甸邪惡行.
AMA和顧劍兩個很成功地激發了我們對緬甸的興趣,於是在YOUTUBE裏查了很多緬甸的風光片, 的確是異國煙雲佛塔風情. 還有網友提到的電影"逃出仰光", 我也從NETFLIX裏借來看了. 不值一提幾乎看不下去, 是閉門造車的好來鎢爛片, 迎合的是部分閉塞無知的美國人的自大心理.
前兩天和在康乃爾教書的朋友又聊起對緬甸的向往, 她說他們學校物理係的一位老教授拍了一部文獻片, 叫做 Lift the curtain - "They call it Myanmar", 是今年最HOT的文獻片, 橫掃2012年所有的電影節, 並且獲獎無數.
朋友隨即CUT/PASTE了她們學校的NEWSLETTER, 康乃爾叫這部電影為 the Cornellian Film, 我看了片花, 很喜歡, 放到這裏來和大家分享.
Cornell Physics Prof’s film “THEY CALL IT MYANMAR” RELEASES NOVEMBER 13 ON DVD AND DIGITAL Featuring Nobel Peace Prize Winner Aung San Suu Kyi “
’They Call it Myanmar’ is a thing of beauty… a hymn to a land that has grown out of the oldest cultures in Asia.” —Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times
“The definitive film on a country… a notable and often heartbreaking documentary.” —Hollywood Reporter
“The documentary is as quietly enthralling as Myanmar’s people. Variously tough and poetic.” – Los Angeles Times
After successful theatrical openings in over 100 U.S. cities and with President Obama now scheduled for an unprecedented Nov. 19th visit to Burma, THEY CALL IT MYANMAR: LIFTING THE CURTAIN is getting a wide release on DVD and many Digital platforms. A Critics’ Pick of The New York Times, the film provides an astonishing and rare look inside Burma. Shot clandestinely over a three-year period by best-selling novelist, filmmaker and Cornell University physicist Robert H. Lieberman (’62) and produced by Deborah C. Hoard (MS ’78), this unique documentary lifts the curtain to expose the everyday life in a country held in the iron grip of a brutal military regime for 48 years. It paints a moving and inspiring portrait of present-day Burma and provides an overview of the nation’s history and its people. A trailer can be seen at: http://www.theycallitmyanmar.com The film releases on November 13 from Docurama Films, a label of Cinedigm Entertainment Group. It features Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi, recently released from house arrest after spending nearly two decades as a political prisoner. This year, Suu Kyi received the United States Congressional Gold Medal for her pro-democratic work in Burma.