看著AA一天天長大, 突然發現自己沒有為她留下成長的記憶. 還好, 不太晚.
晚飯的時候, AA看我吃玉米吃得開心, 也要求要一個. 結果一口咬下去, 杯具了... AA的rabbit tooth搖搖欲墜, 牙和牙齦之間出現一道帶血的縫. 這是我第一次witness她掉牙, LG很勇敢的用紙巾把牙弄下來. AA去clean up的時候, LG輕輕地擦著帶血的牙, 淚眼婆梭, 那個傷心啊...
晚上睡覺前AA問: "媽媽, were you sad or surprise?". 我老老實實地回答, sad. AA自己感慨了一句: 可憐的寶寶啊!
看我翻箱倒櫃地找one dollar, LG問你覺得AA什麽時候會明白tooth fairy是假的, 我說怎麽也要一年以後吧, 這不才7歲嗎. 第二天, AA拿著one dollar問我, 媽媽, are you sure tooth fairy gave me the money? are you sure you didn't 偷偷地放在我的pillow下麵? are you sure you are not kidding? 我很鬱悶, 又不敢笑, 沒法回答, 隻好反問: 為什麽你覺得不是tooth fairy給你的? AA answered: then the tooth fairy must be very rich. 說的也是, 每個小孩掉顆牙都送one dollar...AA then said mommy I want to give the money to you because I want you to be rich. 真是乖!
題外話, 聽見AA嚷嚷, 爸爸, 你要讀我書 - 一會兒我們才回過神來, 直接英翻中 - you need to read me a book. 類似句子: 媽媽痛我!

AA給tooth fairy寫的話: have a nice time sending money