
Proud mama of 3, the little sweet pea is on her way~


(2013-04-29 11:37:22) 下一個

周末party, 結束的回家路上. 我問Kim是否跟Dr.G淡過? 他有點不自然的說“well…..I had no idea what the heck was PTSD, how to deal w/ it…….. and your friend….. so I went there…...” “why didn’t u tell me?” “u were sufferin’ from PTSD, I didn't wanna knock u down…..” “I appreciate it……en, how many sessions u had?” “only once….” “so...what did u learn ?” “a lot……especially the theory of Xmas everyday…. he is a guru….”我聽不懂的問, Kim就有點trick的笑" if everyday was Xmas, would people still love and anxious for Xmas day?" 我的心突然就跳了1下, 馬上就問“is that the reason why u invite him as godfather of our future kids?” “maybe..…”he pinched my cheek w/ a grin on his face and said “u know what? the dangerous place sometimes is also the safest place, u just have to give it a shot…..”

我終於明白了, 為什麽死去的人才會被永遠懷念? 因為永遠都不可能再見了. 也許這個世界的“treasure”和人類的不到的心理有關, 越的不到就越想要, 越看不到就越想看到. 但是當你經常麵對treasure, 馬上就會發現缺點”“不美”, “treasure”就變成“cobblestone” 

也許人性本來就是這樣就是因為“nothing remains hidden under the sun”, 所以適當的張開卻是最能製約人類的逆反心理. 就像抓沙, 手抓越緊沙就越快流走, 隻有半開半彎的手才能留住最多的沙. 因為永遠都不可能留住”, 何況有思想有感覺的”….. 沒想到, Dr.G又暗暗的幫我們上了有關人性的課.

過了幾天, 我們來到Dr. Woffice, 開始婚後的第1marriage enrichment program. 

Dr. W看起來50+棕發的Caucasian, 雖然她講話速度和風格跟Dr.G不太1, 卻給我差不多感覺----“容易讓人放鬆和信任”.  我們和Dr. W3session, 還參加了1次她主持的group session跟其他的couples互動. 2個讓我印象深刻的session.

Group session:

大家做遊戲再討論, “role play” helps couples conduct thinking in another's shoes and develop a capacity for greater intimacy w/ a healthy relationship style between interdependence and interaction…..

那晚我們和2組夫妻volunteer做遊戲, 1組要很大聲的讀出事先準備好的劇本, 另外2組要按聽到的劇本來演出, 劇本很搞笑, 現在我邊寫邊回想邊哈哈大笑…..

KIM演老婆, “穿著那種很尖的high heels, 邊講電話邊給“baby”diaper, 我演老公在公司被fire, 回家路上又拿到ticket, 到家被老婆complainbaby的哭聲包圍, 老公就go crazy, 老婆因為老公的態度, 就大吵. (1, 因為Kim扭來扭去裝女生的樣子, 讓我邊演邊忍不住的笑場) 1對就是那個女boss(老公演的)和男cop(老婆演的) 回家後也遇到了搞笑又讓人發瘋的問題…..具體內容就不講了, 因為有點adult topic……

Session 2:

Dr. W單獨和我們談了20mins, 我和Kim都不知道對方講的內容. 在那個門窗緊閉的房間, Dr. W問了很多Kim在生活中讓我不高興的細節, 然後她讓我寫下1個我最不能忍受的缺點. 寫完後她讓我用那種很慢很慢的速度撕掉丟進trash can (我曾經在婚前修的marriage course 經曆過這個方法)

結束淡話後, Dr. W“before u walk out the door, let’s say goodbye to everything u've said in this room……remember that a happy marriage exists only between a “blind” wife & a “deaf” husband…..”我就會意的笑了笑, 深深的吸氣, 再閉上眼誠心的pray…..

Dr. W微笑的問ready? 我就很用力的點點頭, 然後用那種很神聖的心情打開門…….Kim先談完話, 結束後他就站在門外等. 聽到開門聲, 他轉過頭, 看著我溫柔的微笑, 我就看著他的眼晴, 滿心歡喜的慢慢向他走去, 感覺就像walk down the aisle ……

接著, Dr. W讓我們麵對麵的站著, 雙手緊握著對方的手, 看著對方的眼睛, 很真誠的說出對方的5個優點和5個對方最感動自己的事, 再全心全意的說出自己內心的感謝.

回憶我們認識的9.5, 感覺就算幾天都說不完Kim我感動的事. 我說著說著就忍不住的流淚, 最後我淚流滿麵的說“….u accept me for who I am and allow me to explore the world and satisfy my curiosities…… I’m truly me when I’m w/ u..…I can cry and I don’t have to hide and lie, cuz u’re my home….…” Kim握著我的手, 聽著聽著, 他的眼睛就濕了….

終於換成Kim, 沒想到讓他感動的竟然是那些很細小連我自己都記不清的事. 說了1, he felt like a lump in his throat and then he coughed a little, cleared his throat and continued..... 最後當他說完“.….u turned a lump of coal like me into a diamond….......u complete me…..” 他再也忍不住的流下眼淚, 伸手猛的就把我拉進懷裏, 緊緊的抱住, 他哭了, 我也激動的哇哇大哭, 緊抱著他的感覺就像重新找回了失落的珍寶,不管怎樣永遠都不要鬆手…...

1刻我們都回到了the moment of exchanging wedding vows, the most beautiful and happiest moment of our lives…...

為什麽當年那麽驚人的美麗感覺竟然也會慢慢轉淡? 是時間的消失還是麵對spouse的理所當然? 也許這就是我們必須1起努力的功課---“how to overcome marriage growing pain?”

愛情雖然是婚姻的開始, 但結婚並不代表就住進safebox, 而是測試愛情存活率的開始. 也許婚姻不穩定因子就像人體的cancer cell是天生帶來的, 至今也沒有人能完全消除. 就是因為所有的婚姻都帶著不穩定因子, 所以我們更要增加marriage immune system, 要珍惜, 包容, 信任, 支持, 讚美和感謝對方, 最重要的是和自己選擇的人, 快樂的享受每1, 共同麵對問題, 1起成長, 而不是因為cancer cell的存在而整天擔心緊張害怕防備, 這樣隻會讓愛情更快消失…..

就像Dr. W說的“marriage is awesome but isn't easy. If your goal is to have an easy marriage, then u will miss some of life's most fulfilling moments…….growing pains in marriage is part of the married life, it’s not something we should avoid but something we should embrace as part of what will become an enriching marital experience ……”

I guess grow apart or last forever actually is a “choice” on both sides of the family,  just excited to find out that neither Kim nor I am the type of person who gives up and quits whenever things get tough, instead we’re strivin’ to become a better person or spouse and keepin’ our vows alive...…


20122, 我帶著多年的夢想, 獨自跟著1humanitarian & charity org.飛到非洲的偏遠部落教課, 在那裏我生malaria差點死掉, 被毒蛇咬昏, 回美國後, 我被查出PTSD….. 

20134, 經過大約1年的recovery, 我終於很驕傲的把PTSD踢走啦, Kim也修完了我們婚後第1次的marriage enrichment program......

佛說生命就是不斷的輪回, 短短的1, “”vs.“” “的”vs.“”, 從生到死再到重生, it’s like riding a roller coaster. 恍然感覺自己好像已經跌跌撞的走過了1個輪回. 經曆了許多人生從沒有經曆過的事, 深深的思考了許多從沒有思考過的問題, 內心成熟的同時也多了1份牽掛.

那份牽掛有時就會突然跳出來, 讓我想起我生malaria昏倒, 你跑到service center及時找來醫生….”“我們1起幫難產的母牛接生……”“停電的夜晚, 窗外不停蛙叫, 我們坐在燭光裏聊天, 你微笑的看著我, 綠綠的眼睛, 感覺像貓,lol…..”“你抱著被毒蛇咬後的我, 用盡全力在雨中狂跑…..” “你背著腳腫的像藍色麵包的我, 走了1小時的山路trotro station搭車…...”

也許很多讀者可以很輕鬆的幫我找出很多不相連的理由, 還可以很優雅的指點我應該怎樣想怎樣做, 而不是像現在這樣想這樣做, 因為聽起來真的不優美, 也不堅強, 更不聰明.

我想也許隻有經曆過的人才能明白, trauma帶來的emotion energy就像tsunami衝過來, 人類是多麽的微小, 不管事後怎樣的堅強, 但是沒有人可以在當時就能逃過1個沉靜的時間. 我很高興KimDr.G學到了這些知識, 也很感謝他給我足夠長的時間和獨立呼吸的空間, 讓我可以把內心的anxiety & stress慢慢的釋放到最安全的level, 讓我可以重新麵對Shawn很自然的吹散內心的牽掛…..

也許對Kim來說, 其實那樣做也不輕鬆. 但是, 他卻讓我看到了他對我的絕對信任和對他自己的絕對自信, I totally agree w/ the theory of “confidence is sexy” and I’m just so happy that I didn’t ruin his trust, cuz he is A-W-E-S-O-M-E…!

這段治療PSTD和在非洲的經曆, 永遠都會在我的生命裏散發著美麗又獨特的光芒. 我不會刻意隱藏, 也不會冷漠劃掉, 更不會改編情節美化自己, 因為這就是真實記錄我成長的畫麵.

每個人心中都藏著1個老虎, 代表人類貪欲和恐懼的本能, 在合適時間就會突然跳出來, 而這個世界, 1能夠訓服老虎的隻有----FAITH!  I never know how powerful my faith really is until it’s put to the test, it’s a huge blessing to have such fabulous experience in my 20’s!  Life is like a journey and I’ll keep walking my own path.…….

PS. 這個後續不是Dr.G的作業, 是我自原寫出來. 因為Dr.G說他執業的20+, 我是他的第2Asian client. 他是非常有名的shrink, why?  難道美國Asian都是100% healthy? 還是隻有2Asian住在這個城市? 也許Asian傳統文化就是“FACE”…..害怕講出自己的不完美, 害怕破壞自己平時努力經營的成功幸福形象.

這個世界, 雖然還有戰爭, 饑餓, 病痛, 但是為了幫助陌生人, 有人捐出自己所有的財產, 有人捐出自己的器官給需要的病人, 有人捐出時間到貧窮國家免費做手術, 有人捐出時間自費去貧窮國家做義工, 有人死後捐出身體做醫學試驗.....那些美麗的心靈深深感動了我, 所以我把自己這段經曆很真實的寫出來, 希望大家都能明白, 身體健康來自心理的平恒, 請不要忽視壓力所產生的各種心理病, 也請寬待自己軟弱的1麵,不要強裝堅強,心裏難過就勇敢的哭出來,高興就大聲的笑,take it easy and relax...cuz the sky won't fall anyway.....


(因為我邊寫邊貼, 還沒有時間檢查錯字, 請多包容)

版權所有, 請勿轉載, 非常感謝!


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閱讀 ()評論 (11)
virus88 回複 悄悄話 謝謝粉紅田鼠!
正好看到你的文章,和教會的counselor預約了。一直想尋找基督徒心理醫生,也許因為沒有強烈的意願,所以沒有認真尋找過。謝謝你的分享, 我受到啟發和激勵,就找到了。
溫馨秋月 回複 悄悄話 回複粉紅甜鼠的評論:
謝謝邀我過來。心裏一直惦記著你,卻沒有追蹤,因為網上從來沒有認真地“obsess”哪一個ID :)看完了你的係列,竟然感到特別的輕鬆,曾經心裏和網上為你鳴的不平,全都化解釋然。為你高興,向你祝福!
粉紅甜鼠 回複 悄悄話 回複virus88的評論:

PTSD是mental injury,改變了Brain wave & Brain chemical reaction, acupuncture 是用物理方式強行刺激全身神經係統 (具體解說請看續2)

我的治療流程: 做身體檢查--根據report醫生diagnose是第幾級PTSD--心理療法+ acupuncture

我做的acupuncture主要是在頭部(刺激腦神經, 把因為PTSD而改變的Brain wave & brain chemical reaction拉回來到原來的位置)和刺激endocrine system (因為PTSD帶來的depression 造成hormone imbalance) 還有刺激睡眠反應區減輕depression帶來的失眠症…

一顰一笑 回複 悄悄話 你真棒!現在就等妹妹的好消息了 ;)

Dreamer? 回複 悄悄話 謝謝分享!寫得太棒了,挺你!
virus88 回複 悄悄話 What kind of acupuncture that you received? How to let doctor understand that I need acupuncture because I have PTSD?
粉紅甜鼠 回複 悄悄話 謝謝大家1路跟讀, 你們的鼓曆是我寫文章的動力, 非常感謝. 最近我收到很多朋友的信, 問很多有關的問題, 因為我不是MD, 所以隻能回答我所經曆的部份, 希望大家能盡早尋找專業人員的幫助, 心理病不能拖時間的.

回答"歡顏展卷林中閑坐"問題--marriage enrichment vs. marriage counseling

Marriage enrichment is for couples who have basically healthy relationships but want to continue to learn, grow and develop relationship skills. Marriage counseling generally is for couples who are in crisis or who have significant chronic issues that they struggle to handle themselves…

Cost varies widely: $90-300/hr(marriage counseling), $50-200/hr(marriage enrichment)and they don't take insurance....Many churches take premarital classes for free, some might have free counseling but it's hard to find....

badminton2 回複 悄悄話  好感動。特別是最後一段。

5043 回複 悄悄話 It is just Wonderful as always. Enjoy reading your articles very much.Thanks for sharing again.
歡顏展卷林中閑坐 回複 悄悄話 First of all, I enjoy reading your series. It's personal, touching and informative at the same time.

I like the name "marriage enrichment" program. If it's called "marriage counseling" instead, many Chinese, especially men, would be too proud to admit that they have a problem that needs to be fixed, or they can't fix themselves.

Besides, "marriage enrichment" is a new concept to many, and it doesn't have the word-of-mouth reputation that it's worth paying. You are the first Chinese I've ever heard of that says it's worth it.

Would you mind sharing the total cost for your "marriage enrichment" program?