

(2021-12-11 20:37:55) 下一個




0:00: They wait for their master
0:17: He brings their nourishment
0:27: They gather around their master
0:40: They start chomping
0:53: Chomping intensifies
1:13: The two big bois fight
1:29: The nourishment is gone
1:32: The master summons his minions
1:39: The master sits with them
1:43: He happily feeds his minions
1:47: The Ultimate YES YES YES
1:53: He is the happiest man alive
2:06: He is overwhelmed
2:18: Yup, They All Love Me, Cause I Got The Food!
2:30: Some leave Him to eat their food
2:43: He was prepared for this...
2:58: All of them are eating their food
3:09: Some come back for more
3:20: More come back for more
4:16: They continue to eat their nourishment
4:38: One minion seeks the masters attention
5:19: All the nourishment is gone and the master leaves for more
5:40: The minions are chewing and walking around
6:19: Big boi evolves to the next stage
6:35: Two more big bois evolve to the next stage
6:46: The realize their master returns
7:00: Chomping begins again
7:08: Chomping is rain to my ears (Just me maybe)
7:20: The two big bois from 1:13 fight once more
7:40: Chomping continues
7:45: Another big boi evolves with two others afterwards
8:10: Chomping dies down
8:21: The master is back
8:40: They gather around him again
8:50: The minions can't wait
Edit: I've given up, the cycle continues
14:07: the minions are curious
14:30: The master plays enjoys the minions company
After that... I leave the rest to you all, Good day


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