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Would God I were the tender apple blossom (The Londonderry Air)

Danny Boy的另外一個版本是完全不同的名字和內容,叫“蘋果花”,同樣感人 ,但很少有人唱,在下不才,為上次家壇晚會匆忙錄製了一下,俺超喜歡這個版本。一旦俺有時間和條件,會認真錄一次。













以上的歌詞比較接近愛爾蘭女作家 Katherine Tynan Hinkson 1894 年所譜寫的歌詞,抄錄如下:

Would God I were the tender apple blossom
That floats and falls from off the twisted bough
To lie and faint within your silken bosom
Within your silken bosom as that does now.
Or would I were a little burnish'd apple
For you to pluck me, gliding by so cold,
While sun and shade your robe of lawn will dapple,
Your robe of lawn and your hair of spun gold.


Londonderry Air
Would God I were the tender apple blossom
That floats and falls from off the twisted bough,
To lie and faint within your silken bosom,
Within your silken bosom as that does now!
Or would I were a little burnish'd apple
For you to pluck me, gliding by so cold,
While sun and shade your robe of lawn will dapple,
Your robe of lawn, and your hair's spun gold.
Yea, would to God I were among the roses
That lean to kiss you as you float between,
While on the lowest branch a bud uncloses,
A bud uncloses, to touch you, queen.
Nay, since you will not love, would I were growing,
A happy daisy, in the garden path;
That so your silver foot might press me going,
Might press me going even unto death.

The song of today in Wiston´s Irish Tunes is an old and classic tune in the irish folk. Although the name of the song , Londonderry Air, is not the only one of the song, it was the first and sadly, actually is the less known. The original name of the tune was forgot when a new lyrics were wrote in 1913 by Frederic Edward Weatherley and renamed as (very well known) Danny Boy. The name of this cover, Londonderry Air, comes from the county of Londonderry in Northern Ireland . This record, really old, was sung by a very famous and gifted irish tenor: John McCormack, who even was said to be better than Caruso. I recommend you listening his records of The Minstrel Boy and The Star of the County Down. That´s all folks! Subscribe if you like and comment if you want to make me happy!
Would God I were the tender apple blossom
That floats and falls from off the twisted bough
To lie and faint within your silken bosom
Within your silken bosom as that does now.
Or would I were a little burnish'd apple
For you to pluck me, gliding by so cold
While sun and shade you robe of lawn will dapple
Your robe of lawn, and you hair's spun gold.
Yea, would to God I were among the roses
That lean to kiss you as you float between
While on the lowest branch a bud uncloses
A bud uncloses, to touch you, queen.
Nay, since you will not love, would I were growing
A happy daisy, in the garden path
That so your silver foot might press me going
Might press me going even unto death.
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