從春假到暑假又到新學期, 病毒久久不肯散去, 小妹妹居家抗疫五個多月,真是給悶得發慌。 想出去, 看看兩鬢染霜的父母隻好忍住。 上學期說好的網課最後基本成了自學, 老師和學生都在慢慢適應這突來的變化。。。這份突變卻苦了上高中的學生。 從三月份開始考試一個個取消,比賽也是, 夏令營泡湯, 窩在家裏有勁無處使, 很迷茫。。。
姐姐遠在異鄉, 小妹妹缺個伴, 她時常歎道, 自己就像獨生女, 好孤獨, 好沒勁。。。我們盡量陪著小妹妹打球, 遊泳, 常常是爸爸打上半場, 媽媽接下半場, 每每當她的手下敗將, 遊泳更沒法比了, 爸爸還能跟她比一下蛙泳, 媽媽隻好做獨立啦啦隊, 特邀攝影師, 卯足了勁跟她玩, 兩位“老人”還是少了那份青春的活力,心有餘而力不足, 有些無奈 。。。
小妹妹愛烘培, 我上網買齊了材料以便她時不時地在廚房釋放她的能量, 獨自做各式各樣的點心。。。
Strawberry Mirror Cake (草莓鏡麵摩斯蛋糕)

Green Tea Jiggly Cheese Cake (綠茶乳酪蛋糕):

Strawberry Cheesecake (免烤草莓乳酪蛋糕):

Butter Cream Lemon Cake (白脫檸檬蛋糕):

Matcha Pudding (綠茶布丁):

Peach Layered Cheese Cake (桃子乳酪蛋糕):

Strawberry filled Swiss Roll Cake (瑞士蛋糕卷):

LD笑眯眯道 “沒想到 這居家隔離給咱家悶出個“米其林”小廚“ :)
- 1 cup heavy whipping cream
- 8 large strawberries or about 1 1/2 cups of strawberries
- 2 tsp of sugar
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- In a mixing bowl, pour in 1 cup of heavy whipping cream. Whip at a medium setting.
- While mixing, add the sugar and vanilla extract. Continue beating until the whipping cream has medium/stiff peaks (about 3 to 4 minutes). Make sure to keep an eye on the whipping cream so that it does not curdle!
- Set the whipping cream aside and cut the strawberries into small pieces. We want them to be quite small so that the cake will not be hard to roll once the filling is spread on.
- Take the cut strawberries and place them in the whipping cream. Mix with a spatula.
- Spread the filling in a thin layer onto the already cut cake.
- Roll the cake and place it in the refrigerator for an hour.
- After an hour, take the Swiss roll out and decorate it!
你好能幹, macaron最難做了, 我家小妹妹第一次做, macaron 做成了杏仁餅 :)
不過我家LD對我是有意見的, 他說我把女兒培養得不務正業:)