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填飽肚子的炒飯學會後,就要教葷菜了.當然還是本著簡單,易學,快速的方針. 考慮她材料有限,盡量簡化做菜的用料
好-- 上課! (因為她的中文水平有限,加了英文注解)
第二個學的是 – 簡易版的 油爆蝦(Shanghai Style Shrimp).
1. 蝦洗淨後, 瀝幹
(Devein shrimp by cutting small hole at shell, pulling out the vein via toothpick, Rinse the shrimp, drain, and set on several sheets of paper towels.)
2. 熱鍋加油
(adding cooking oil to heated pot)
3. 油熱後加入蝦, 翻炒幾下至蝦變成紅色
(adding shrimp after cooking oil is heated, stir fry untill shrimp color is changed : about 1-2 minutes)
4. 加入味醂 和日本甜醋, 蓋上鍋蓋,燜2分鍾
(adding Mirin, Rice Vinegar to the pot and stir fry, then cover the lid for another 2 minutes)
5. 開鍋,翻炒,將汁收幹
(Remove the lid, stir fry untill the sauce is absorbed)
6. 起鍋,開吃 (ready to eat J)
蝦很容易熟的,顏色變紅基本就熟了.做這個菜很快且成功率99% J