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大女兒去了遙遠的波士頓上大學,所申請的學生宿舍食堂隻開5天(星期天晚餐-星期四). 周末自行解決. 宿舍離主校園步行有十幾分鍾的距離,擔心她的周末夥食.尤其是下雨/雪天,出門不便時. 宿舍有廚房給學生自己做飯. 臨行前,趕緊教了她幾個最簡單的菜. 教她的原則是,簡單,易學,快速.
好-- 上課! (因為她的中文水平有限,加了英文注解)
第一個學的是 - 炒飯 (Fried Rice).
飯(冰箱裏的剩飯) –cooked rice (cold): 1 cup
雞蛋- eggs: 2
油 – cooking oil: 2 TBS
鹽 - salt
胡椒粉 – pepper
蔬菜 (視手頭食材,隨意,最好切小丁) –vegetables (chop to small pieces): ½ cup
1. 雞蛋兩隻 打入碗中用筷子攪拌成液體狀,放一邊 (break 2 eggs to the bowl, beat eggs till liquid)
2. 將油放入平底鍋,加熱 (Heat a nonstick pan over high heat, when hot add 2 TBS cooking oil )
3. 將雞蛋液倒入鍋中, 將雞蛋炒到半熟 (Add the eggs, Stir the eggs constantly and cook until almost set but still moist)
4. 加入米飯,翻炒 (中小火) (Add the rice to the pan and use a spoon to break up any clumps.
5. 蛋與飯混合均勻後加入蔬菜 (add chopped vegetables, coat evenly with rice and eggs, stir-fry)
6. 加入鹽和胡椒粉 (Season with salt and pepper )
7. 翻炒所有材料,使食材混合均勻 ( (Stir all the ingredients together with the rice, taste and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper)
8. 起鍋,開吃 (serve)
學會了這個炒飯,就不用擔心餓肚子了.J 實踐下來效果不錯, 有時她還會加一些火腿,蝦仁之類.