2011 (53)
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這個提拉米蘇配方是我的最愛,每次做, 家人朋友都讚不絕口,女兒讚: “比外麵店裏的好吃”
配方 :
做法 (Method):
1. 將蛋黃用 mixer 邊打邊加糖, 直到打發, 大概7分鍾
(using an electric mixer, beat egg yolks and sugar in large bowl until pale yellow, smooth and shiny, about 7 minutes.)
2. 加入mascarpone cheese 用 mixer 打約4分鍾
( add the mascarpone cheese and beat until thickened and smooth, about 4 minutes)
3. 在另外一個盆裏,用 mixer 將奶油打到能成型
(in another bowl, beat cream until soft peaks form )
4. 用橡皮刀將成型奶油拌到 2 裏 (mascarpone 混合物) , 輕輕拌勻
(using a rubber spatula or whisk, fold the whipped cream into the mascarpone mixture until thoroughly blended)
5. 將濃咖啡 刷在 ladyfingers 上, 直到完全滲入
( brush some of the espresso evenly over the ladyfingers, until each one is almost soaked through with the espresso)
6. 將mascarpone 和奶油混合物 用橡皮刀 鋪在ladyfingers 上,我的這些料可以鋪2層
(spoon some of the mascarpone mixture over ladyfingers to make an even, repeat step 5 and 6 for 2nd layer)
7. 均勻撒上可可粉,放入凍箱過夜
(sift cocoa over the top, put into freezer overnight)
8. 從 freezer 取出後,馬上將新鮮水果鋪上。生日蛋糕就完成了。 試一下吧,很有成就感的哦
(Take out from freezer, arrange fresh fruits on the top, the Birthday cake is ready to serve. Try it, it’s fun J )