雅佳園 (熱門博主)
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誰將是 2011 Miss America?明天ABC 9pm ET 就有答案 (圖)

(2011-01-14 14:15:17) 下一個

很久以前在國內的時候看到 Miss America 決賽錄像, 非常喜歡那些集美貌,智慧,才藝,善良於一身的選手們。

 2000 年的時候,來自Stanford 的華裔女孩Rita Ng, 取得了第二名(1st Runner Up)的好成績。Rita那優美的鋼琴比賽片斷,至今難忘。如今Rita 已是一位優秀的大夫。

Miss America 比賽起於1921年, 是一個scholarship program. 參賽的選手需要具備美貌,智慧,才藝。。。等素質。才藝占35%, 每個選手還要準備一份social platform 的計劃,闡明自己怎樣為社區服務。

MissAmerica 與 MissUSA 的不同之處在於:前者注重於學業和才藝,參賽選手很多來自著名大學。後者注重於美貌和形體。參賽選手很多是model. 另外Miss USA 比較擅長商業/緋聞炒作。

MissAmerica 預賽評分規則如下:

  • Lifestyle and Fitness in Swimsuit - 15%
  • Evening Wear - 20%
  • Talent - 35%
  • Private Interview - 25%
  • On-Stage Question – 5%

MissAmerica 決賽評分規則如下:

  • Composite Score - 30% (Top 16)
  • Lifestyle and Fitness in Swimsuit - 20% (Top 16)
  • Evening Wear - 20% (Top 10)
  • Talent - 30%  (Top 8)
  • On-Stage Question (Top 8)
  • Final Ballot – Each judge ranks the Top 5 contestants in the order he/she believes they should each finish.  The outcome of the pageant is based solely on the point totals resulting from the final ballot.

2011 Miss America Pageant: Preliminary Competition Night 1(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81knC_YuUag
2011 Miss America Pageant: Preliminary Competition Night 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8yDuhiHX3U )
2011 Miss America Pageant: Preliminary Competition Night 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve37pqv_q6E )

明天的決賽將會有ABC 轉播:
The 2011 Miss America Pageant will air live from the Planet Hollywood Casino Resort Las Vegas on SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 2011 (9:00-11:00 p.m., ET) on ABC.


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