

(2011-10-22 18:34:49) 下一個
2006327Doug Jones, 係統工程師, John Allen, 經理, Matt, 我的主管, Patrick Vivona, 銷售員和我一起出差實地測試。遇到這樣那樣的問題,但是我們都解決了。肩並肩的跟主管實地測試對我來說獲益匪淺。這是我在這家公司的第一次出差。

Doug Jones, system engineer, John Allen, manager, Matt, my supervisor, Patrick Vivona, marketing personnel, and I went on a business trip for on-site testing. Even though we encountered some problems here and there during the test, we pulled off. It was a great learning experience by working side by side with my supervisor. This was my first business trip for this company.

當坐定於租用車時,Patrick突然把膀子搭在我肩上好像我是他的老友似的。他在別的公用辦公室工作,但是每次來我們的公用辦公室顯得特別能聊。他經常跟一個叫Linda Zimmerman的中年婦女和其它幾個人聊天。有時除了工作相關的問題,他會問我一些日常用語的中文說法。我很高興的告訴他。猜想他是那種毛躁隨便的人表示友好,我就沒想太深,即使感到很不自在。車程不長,所以我很快如釋重負。後來就盡量不坐在他旁邊。

Once after we got inside a rental car, Patrick suddenly put his arm around of my should acting as if I 'm his buddy. He sit other shared office, but whenever arriving in our shared office, he appeared very talkative. He often chatted with one middle age woman named Linda, and couple other guys. He came to me sometime to ask me how to say some daily words in Chinese beside work related questions. I was gladly to tell him. Guessing he is kind of goofy guy and tries to be friendly, so I didn't think further even though I felt uncomfortable about it. The ride was short, so got relieved very soon. Then I tried not to sit beside him on other rides.


On the shuttle bus from the airport to the parking place when we returned back almost middle of the night, unfortunately he sit beside me again and put his arm on my shoulder again. When my supervisor got off the bus 1st at his parking spot, I got off the bus after him. I'd rather walking along the parking isles ( it's not a big place) than suffering on the bus. I hope that the action I took would send a strong signal to this guy that I didn't like what he did.

沒費多少功夫我找到了我的車。那時經理也下了車,他停車的地方離我的不遠。當他開車經過我時給了我他的名片(我自己的還沒有印)告訴我出去時給收停車費的人看可以取得公司折扣。經理的老婆是日本人,平時表麵很慈善的樣子,還提到他弟弟Steven 喜歡中國的儒家思想。我對待經理一樣尊重他。

It didn't take much effort to locate my car. That time the manager also got off the bus at his parking spot not far from mine. When he drove by and handed me his name card ( I didn't have my cards printed yet then ) and told me that it can be showed to the cashier at the exit to get the company's discount on parking charge. The manager's wife is Japanese, at work he appears kind looking, he mentioned his brother Steven fond of Chinese Confucian philosophy. I respect him as our manager.


After arriving home, I phoned the manager to inform him that I safely arriving home and thank for his help.

第二天收到 Jessi Tung的電話,她是我在York International 實習時的同事。她問我工作咋樣。我跟她大略的說了每天的工作和這次的差事。總爾言至還可以。

Next day I received the phone call from Jessi Tung, the colleague from York International during my internship there, asked me how I was doing with my new job. I told her my general experience of the first business trip and daily work. The impression I gave her is that it was OK.

直接了當的對他說些不友好的話好像不妥,但是跟Patrick 打交道時設立嚴格的距離是絕對的好主意,以免尷尬境地重現。那次出差後,我盡量不跟他多聊,除非工作需要。對我的做法他好像不是很接受。

It seems not nice to tell unfriendly words on his face, but definitely a good idea to set strict distance when dealing with Patrick to prevent awkward moment. So after the trip, I tried not to talk much with him unless work related. He appeared not happy about it.


I told Hong Ma about the awkward moment.

一天公司裏的一個老頭到我隔間來跟我握了手問好。我不認識他,就很友好的回應了。後來才知道他是Linda Zimmerman的老公。

One day an old guy from the same company came to me and greeted me with handshake. I didn't know him then and just acted friendly toward to him. Then realized late that he is the husband of Linda Zimmerman.


On October 31, 2006, while I was working on a project and heard some guy calling, “Victoria, pumpkin or ghost? Ghost!” I turned my head to the cube entrance and saw an engineer named Sean who then sitting 2-3 cubes away opposite side of the same isle, neighbored to Linda, standing there. I'd never talked with him before. In a flash of second, he threw one shinning object to my desk and walked away toward the direction opposite to his cube. I turned eyes to the object on the desk and realized that it was a candy wrapped in shinning material with an animated pumpkin drawing on it. I turned the candy to the other side and saw the animated ghost drawing. Then I heard some ppl's laugh, his and couple others. In America pumpkin infers slut and ghost infers sneaky. I thought over a little while and decided to fight back. Seeing him walk back to his cube, I took the candy and walked over to his cube and asked, “Were you the one threw me this candy?” He looked at me in shocking. Then I continued, “You'd better give this to your kids.” I threw the candy to his desk and walked back to my own cube. If he was really nice to hand me Halloween candies, they wouldn't be only one with that specific patterns and he wouldn't call me that names.


I told this drama to Hong Ma and Kaiing Duh too.


Later I moved to the cube opposite to my supervisor's.

一天一個叫 Luis Navaro的銷售部的非裔男人來到我的隔間問我能不能幫他編輯軟件部分的用戶手冊。那軟件是我完成的,所以我說沒問題。他開始問技術問題。我回答了。沒有確切的例證他一個勁抬杠我說得是錯的或半錯的。給我的感覺他竭盡所能顯示他比我懂得多。我心想你既然懂得多,又不同意我說的,為什麽要來問我呢。然後我就敷衍了他。他覺得沒什麽可爭論的,就離開了。

One day an African American guy named Luis Navaro from marketing department came to me. He asked me if I could help him with editing the software section of the user manual. Since the software is the one I worked on, so I said no problem. He started asking some technical questions. I replied. He kept talking back that what I said was kind not correct or half correct without actual evidences. He tried so hard to show me that he knew better than I do. I thought if you knew better and disagreed anything I said, why you asked me at the 1st place anyway. Then I started replying “OK” to him. He found no chance to argue more, then left.


Wishing as much as everything is just coincidence, however I started to feel I was targeted for something not related to me.

我在公司附近的瑜伽房上課。過了一陣上課的人翻倍了。一次我們組經理上麵的經理Michael突然在瑜伽房給我打招呼。這以後時不時的他會跟我聊起瑜伽的話題。表示對經理的尊重我很禮貌的回應他。 Bikram是加熱的催汗瑜伽,房間裏人增多後,空氣就變得很汙濁,引起頭暈。我就沒去上那種瑜伽課了。

I enrolled in yoga class nearby the company. After a while the place was getting crowded. One time our manager of the team manager Michael came up to me and greet to me at the yoga place. After that time by time he asked me about the yoga. I pleasantly replied to him as I respect him as our manager. Bikram is heated yoga, the air inside the room was getting bad that causes dizziness as the crowd gets bigger. I stopped taking yoga class.


Some old women in the company called out some names like mistress, party girl … I understand a lot of ppl like to project their lives on others. But they found the wrong object. Since age 18 I've been working hard to save money. Every penny on my hand is coming from hard work. Never got a lot of time or chances to party around. That's the reason I tried to meet more different people in Baltimore and get some social life since my life was kind of settling down. I've never been a mistress and don't know how to be a mistress.

張鴻雁專門放了 Tiffany's Breakfast 這部錄像給我看。如果她是在投射自己的人生,沒關係。我家都是本分人家。在悅華酒店我是優秀員工,在 A.K. International是不可缺的人手,在 Golden Horn 是還可以的老板,本科計算機畢業還拿到榮譽學位,在AAI是很認真工作的員工。我務實工作養活自己,不是靠跟人睡覺。

Hongyan Zhang( Elena) purposely showed me the movie titled as Tiffany's Breakfast. If she is projecting her own life, it's fine. But my family is well established. I was outstanding employee in Mandarin Hotel, great employee in A.K. International, nice boss in Golden Horn, Magna Con Laude in Computer Science Bachelor Degree, and earnest employee in AAI. I make living from real jobs not by sleeping with many different men.

Padonia 門診出醫生問一些敏感的問題,得不到回答不給與應有的治療。

The doctor in Padonia Clinic asked me sensitive questions and neglected the treatment.

搬到新家後,一次我在 Baltimore Claywork studio 上陶罐拉胚課。有一對老年夫婦站在旁邊看著大笑。我想他們看得很開心就沒在意。我給完成的破罐子(第一次的作品)選了酒紅色的釉彩。第二天早上走出電梯,一連看到3 – 4 個穿同樣酒紅色寸衫的男員工在我麵前晃過。特別逗。

After moved to the new house, one time I took the pottery wheeling class in Baltimore Claywork studio. There were an old couple standing beside laughing. I thought they enjoyed watching and didn't care much. I chose burgundy glaze for the piece I made. Then next morning in the company I encountered 3 or 4 guys wearing the same kind of burgundy color shirts. It was amusing though.


This same old couple has appeared walking around in our community. That old man once walked out from our company's elevator.

這個老頭好像出現在 Bank of Lancaster 銀行Fruitville 分行出現過。那時我是出納。他開車到窗口取款。我的班次剛結束,站在旁邊結算填表。Melissa,一個拉丁美國人接下窗口的服務工作。她拿走了支票兌現給他。她當時忙著跟人聊天,沒把事做好。硬幣和紙鈔從信封裏掉了出來卡在窗口交接盒裏。Melissa 沒有跟他打招呼。她一個勁從窗外盯著我好像我給他造成了麻煩。不過在給他的收據上應蓋有員工的工作號碼。

This same old guy seemed appeared in Bank of Lancaster Fruitville branch when I worked there as a teller. He drove in for withdrawing money, my shift was ended and I was standing beside the window and working on the balance sheet of money in my draw. Melissa, an Latin American woman took over the window. She took the check and cashed it for him. She did lousy job. Coins and bills came out of the envelope and stuck in the tray. Melissa didn't greet with this guy. This guy stared me from the outside as if I did all that to him since I was the one standing beside. But the receipt he received should have the employee's working number stamped on it.

這個老頭好像還跟蹤去了我們在波多利戈度假的酒店。他很象一個出現在我公司休息室的老頭。一個經理Bill Wood喊他Andy.

This same old guy followed us to the hotel we stayed in Puerto Rico. He looks same as an old guy appeared in our company's break room. One of managers named Bill Wood called him Andy.

現在(2011/10/22) 我回憶在 Millserville大學的2001年秋季的學期我曾經在電腦科學大樓 CaputoLinux /Windows 實驗室旁邊的賣食品的小角落裏碰到過這個叫Andy 老頭。我去買零食或飲料。一般我都會帶一瓶橘子或柚子汁在我的書包裏。大多數時候去學校前在家把空瓶灌滿。有時在學校喝完了就把空瓶摔了在學校的食品店重新買一瓶。那個老頭也走進來買食品。他的舉止很怪,都有點猥瑣。我沒去多想,因為世上的人無奇不有,每個人行為舉止不同也是很正常。但是那天後來上一節電腦課時開始我就找不到果汁瓶,課間休息上完廁所回教室看到果汁瓶立在我的課桌下麵。當時感覺很奇怪,但是沒想太多,也許是同學開玩笑。

Now (2011/10/22) I recall way back to the fall semester 2001 in Millserville University that I've seen this old man named Andy in the food shop beside the Linux/Windows labs of Caputo Hall, Department of Computer Science. I went to buy snack or beverage. I always carried a bottle of orange/grape fruit juice in my book bag. Most time I filled it at home before I went to the school, sometime I bought new bottles in the school food shops if it's finished middle of day. He walked in and appeared weird. I didn't think much because there are so many different kinds of people in world and it's common for people act differently. However my bottle of orange/grape fruit juice was disappeared and reappeared during one computer science class between class break time. It was little bit confusing, but didn't put much thought on that. It could be classmates' jokes.

我忙著上課,努力早點畢業。每一個學期我都跟我的指導老師 Roger Webster商量該上什麽課程可以修到接近18個學分。我可能忽略了很多發生在我周圍的怪事。

I was busy on taking classes and tried so hard to be graduated early. Each semester I discussed with my adviser Roger Webster what classes to be taken up to 18 credits. I may ignore a lot of weird things going on around me.


Many strange guys would stare at me in weird ways, couple from the company, couple standing beside my house, some in the malls/stores I visited... some crippled guys cut in front of me. Not sure what kind of problems they have, so I ignored.


My rental apartment started to have strange smell. After the new neighbor moved into the left side of my house, the parking issues stirred out and irritating air filled in my house time by time. The same oval faced African-American guy appeared in the apartment building, left side neighbor’s house, the garage nearby my house.


My supervisor started to act unfriendly toward me as if I did something bad to him. Frankly I really trust him a lot on work.

Doug 自殺了,Matt2008年中旬辭職了,打2009年我轉到了別的小組。

Doug suicided, Matt resigned at the middle 2008, and I moved to the different team at the start of 2009.

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