
What a catch

(2010-12-11 21:10:41) 下一個


Gaithersburg的辦公室。她的上級一個叫Lucy發表了演講。還有一些人匯報了他們最近的銷售或吸收成員的業績。我了解到他們公司叫World Financial Group(WFG)傳銷保險產品,跟雅芳和安利的銷售模式一樣。她們說他們做的不是傳銷。


Lucy邀請了她的上級或朋友來演講,有幾個業績特別突出。比如,一個越南會計叫Andy的,一個退役黑人軍人Steven的。他們買了大洋房,購了私人飛機,以及度了夢寐以求得假期。我參加了一次他們全國性的在Buffalo, Ohio 舉行的年會。很長的車程,四人住一個房間,每個人承擔各自吃住費用。一個女同伴不滿她和她丈夫的關係對著我們哭了出來。我還去Lucy 位於14417 Foolish Pleasure Rd. Boyds, MD 的家參加了聚會。實在推托不了房敏的請求,我交了100 美元入會費。但是我知道從他們那裏沒有多少金融知識可學,而且我也不想把朋友的聯係信息交給他們。我就沒再參與他們的任何活動了。

所有的都不是我在韓亞龍第一次從房敏那裏聽說後所期望的。 但是我確實遇到了一些住在我附近的中國人。 開車去演講地後我對我周邊的地區也增加了了解。這是我在此郡居住工作的第一個半年頭.

During 2006 Christmas’ holiday week, my younger sister visited me. We together went to buy grocery in H-Mart, a Korean grocery store selling Asian food located at route 40. There was one Chinese lady name Min Fang approached us and asked if we wanted to learn some financial knowledge. She told us that they were educating Chinese about financial life and there were meetings every couple weeks. We exchanged phone numbers.

Couple weeks later, Min phoned me and asked me if I wanted to attend the meeting hosted that week. I drove to her house and attended meeting with her in their office in Gaithersburg. Her leader, Lucy, made a speech, then couple other people reported what they’ve done. I learned their company is named World Financial Group (WFG), Multi-Level Marketing insurance products. It’s same as the Avon or Amway’s sales schema.

After that, Min visited me and my neighbor to persuade us to become a member of their team. I attended couple similar meetings in their office and Min’s house. Lucy invited her leaders or friends, Vietnamese, African-American, and Chinese, to make speeches too. Attended their nation-wide meeting hosted in Ohio once. It was long drive. 4 ppl shared one bedroom. Each of us paid the share of trip expenses. One of ladies burst in cry for her relation with her husband. Attended a gathering in Lucy’s house located at 14417 Foolish Pleasure Rd Boyds, MD. Couldn’t resist Min Fang’s persuasion and paid $100.00 to register for the membership. But I realized that there was not much financial stuff to learn accept their insurance products. Most of that has been learned in College. Also I don’t want to give out my friends’ contacting information. So I quit attending their meetings.

Nothing was expected when I first time heard about it from Ming in the grocery store. But I did meet some Chinese living around me. By driving back and forth the meeting places, I got to know the places around me. That was my 1st year and half in this county…

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