

(2013-03-09 07:57:59) 下一個
Hi, xxxx,
Thanks all your help. My answer is listed below.
----- Original Message -----
From: xxxx
To: xxxx
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 12:00 PM
Subject: More Info


I've been rereading all the emails and documents you've sent me. I've been trying to find alternative
explanations of the problems you are having but I haven't been successful. There are a few things that
I want to investigate further but I'm not sure where to start. The following are some items I'm
interested in learning more about:

 1. The old man that you saw at Millersville University, standing outside your pottery class,
    in your community, coming out of an AAI elevator, and following you in Puerto Rico is very
    suspicious. I bet he is a CIA agent and is spying on you because you are from China. This
    is the kind of thing that the CIA has done for years with people from the Soviet Union and
    Eastern European countries. Since those countries aren't a threat aby more, the CIA wants to
    find another powerful "enemy". Countries like Iran will never be a powerful enemy, but China
    is expanding fast - economy, education, technology, and soon its military. You mention that
    Bill Wood knows the old man but I don't know how to get in touch with Bill because he was laid  
    off recently when AAI laid off approximately 10% of its staff.

 2. Steven Palmer had a meeting with you in 2006 about your security clearance. How did he know
    you made a phone call to China?
I rent an apartment in Bridge Lake complex along side of Cranbrook road then. I noticed that there was a oval faced strange black guy appeared in our building, who I know didn't live there. I made many phone calls to China to my parents and friends, so did receive many phone calls back.

 3. Before you went to China last June, did you tell anyone in Security? (at AAI)
    The security clearance rule is that anyone planning to travel outside the U.S. has to notify
    Security first. This is a stupid rule because it includes traveling to Mexico and Canada! It
    also includes traveling to Europe but the people I know who have security clearances and have
    gone to Europe for vacations have never bothered to tell Security first.
I first sent email to Tony to get an approvement. Then I scheduled the trip and filled some papaerwork from the security department as required at least two weeks ahead. Tony knows that.
 4. When was the first time at AAI that you reported the electromagnetic pulses to anyone?  
Around Oct. 3rd I discussed with Lisa Greenhouse.
I just did a search on: "7 Third Tee Ct" Baltimore Maryland
(Is this the address of the leftside neighbor? I saw your address in the air quality report
and I tried to guess your neighbor's address.)
Yes, it is this house number. Before there was a Jewish family with 4 kids lived there. They sold the house around 2009. The woman of the current residence is named Diana.

I found the following:

Priel-Paz, Ido
7 Third Tee Court
Baltimore, MD 21209-1749 map
Phone: (410) 580-2099

Priel-Paz, Ido in Baltimore, MD is a private company categorized under Physical Medicine, Physician/Surgeon.
Our records show it was established in 2003 and incorporated in Maryland.

Attached are 2 pictures. If this is your neighbor, and he is a doctor, why is his business in his home?
No, not this guy. The guy living at 7 third Tee Ct. is a Arabic guy with round face and flat head. Kind of fat.

 --- xxxx

Hi, xxxx

Thanks for your explaination. Everything is exactly as what you said.
I know exact the direction of the pulse from in my house.
For example in the basement, after I settled down beside the fireplace for a while, then the wave/pulse started to shoot out from the leftside wall. When it stopped, there was kind of sound of turning off and the sound of ppl's steps walking up.
It's exactly true "I don't think the rapid heating of the foil is enough to make much of a sound." Once the pulse stays on, then no sound is created.
As I told you on the phone, one person almost younger version of my previous team (ABE team) manager named John Allen, a black looks like Dr. Maurice who sitting in the office close to the exit on the second floor, a younger version of Stephen Brewster, a black woman seen in the company have visited my leftside neighbor early 2011. I'm sure the woman of the leftside neighbor named Diana has some kind of connections in AAI Corp.
They aimed at my head, waist, and chest and gave me the impression that they want to kill me or paralize me.
They started to release poisonous air into my 2nd floor bedroom first, after complaint to the policemen and had air tested, they stopped the air, then started electronmagnetic shooting.
Thanks a lot
----- Original Message -----
From: xxxx
To: xxxx
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 7:02 PM
Subject: RE: electron pulse is still shot into the kitchen, living room and bedrooms of my house

Hi Vicky,

I'm sorry that you feel you have to go back to China. It's too bad all these problems happened.

I was trying to figure out where the sources of the electromagnetic pulses are at your apartment and then I realized there may only be one source. It might seem like many because the electromagnetic pulse gets partially reflected off of surfaces. If you recall from physics, every time an electromagnetic wave meets the boundary of an object, part of the wave gets reflected and the rest of the wave gets transmitted into the object. If the object is an electrical insulator (in other words, a poor electrical conductor), then the object absorbs just a tiny bit of the wave's energy and lets the rest pass through. If the object is an electrical conductor (even a moderate electrical conductor like human skin), then a lot of the electromagnetic wave's energy will get absorbed by the object and the rest passes through. The amount that gets absorbed depends on the frequency of the electromagnetic wave, the object's electrical conductivity, and the objects's magnetic permeability. From what I read in some documents, the army uses a frequency of 95 GHz because they want the electromagnetic wave to get absorbed within the top 1/16th of an inch of human skin. (But keep in mind that the depth might be a little different for each person.)

My guess is that all the electromagnetic pulses are coming from your neighbors apartment and are aimed at your apartment. The electromagnetic waves pass into your apartment through the wall (since the wall is an electrical insulator) and then get reflected several times off of walls and objects in your apartment until they all leave your apartment through the windows and the walls. But while the waves are being reflected in your apartment, some waves will eventually hit the aluminum foil (in less than a millisecond). Most of those waves will get absorbed (since the foil is an electrical conductor) and the rest get reflected (and a tiny bit passes through the foil). The sound the foil makes is due to the waves reflecting off of it. (I don't think the rapid heating of the foil is enough to make much of a sound.) If you are in the room when all this is happening, some of the waves will hit you. Some of these waves are reflected off of you but the rest are absorbed by your skin.

You can try an experiment to see if the electromagnetic waves really are coming from just one location. Cover with aluminum foil a large part of the wall that separates your apartment from your neighbor's apartment. Then, when the electromagnetic waves occur again, compare the strength of the waves when you stand next to the foil-covered wall to when you stand next to the wall where there isn't any foil. Then walk around the room to see where the strength of the waves are weaker and where they are stronger.

I tried to figure out where the electromagnetic pulses were coming from at AAI. They couldn't have been coming from a horizontal source (anywhere on the second floor or through the windows) because nobody else felt them. But they could have been coming from the third floor. If the source was aimed straight down into your cubicle then you would have felt the direct waves and a lot of the reflected waves because nearly all the reflected waves would have bounced almost straight back up and down. Since the angle of relection would have been very small, the only people who could have felt the waves are you and anybody on the fourth floor sitting above your cubicle. (The person on the third floor controlling the wave source would have used a long cord and would have stood far enough away to be safe. Also, there is nobody on the first floor beneath your cubicle because the parking spaces are there.) It just occurred to me that if the electromagnetic wave source is inside a metal case, then the case would have absorbed most of the waves reflected up by your floor and ceiling which would mean that very little of the electromagnetic waves would have reached the fourth floor. You would have been the only person who could have felt them.

Please try the experiment I described above. I'm very interested in knowing the results.

 --- xxx

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