
我左邊的鄰居#7Third Tee Ct搬進後的欺人太盛

(2013-03-09 07:27:27) 下一個
By V Hu 

Both side neighbors were great when the time I moved in my house. Then my left side Israeli immigrant neighbor's family grew into 6 in size and they moved out for a bigger space.

New couple with a young boy moved in. The guy looks like an Arabic, the woman is white. Both of them believe in Judaism. The boy came from the woman and her ex-husband. The man told my boy friend that he does diamond business.

The man drives Mercedes Benz 4 door car (A037060) while the woman drives a very rusty and damaged old car. After their daughter was born, the old car was replaced with SUV(6FPX36).

When it snows, the man doesn't sweep snow even when he is home. The woman first told us that the snow should be swept by the community management. Then she started sweeping snow. The man has never helped for sweeping snow.

They have a lot visitors, baby sitters, house cleaners, kids from previous marriages, ex partners, parents...and park cars in my parking spaces. Every house is assigned limited space for parking when the house is bought. I don't mind if someone parks car in my parking space as long as I have the space to park my car when I drive back from work. Since 2011, people came to visit them get less and less.

Then the situation got worse, many times when I drove back home and couldn't find the place to park my car and had to knock their doors to request them to move the cars away. Each time I also told them that there are plenty of guest parking spaces not far from the house and it would be great they inform their guests. They seemed never considered. One time their guest car parked so close to my car and my car was scratched so heavily when it was pulled out. I had to spend more than $1000 to do the fix.

So whenever I saw their cars were parked in my parking space, I left a printed note on the windshield. My right side neighbor told me she had encountered the same bad experience too. One time their house cleaner took her parking space. She later told me that we could call towing truck to tow the unknown car on the private parking space. Thinking that's kind of over reaction, so I kept leaving the notes on the windshield.

One time the woman’s mother stopped me when I just walked out from car and righteously told me that an old Russian man, the house owner of my house told her that she could park at my parking space for her convenience. I told her I bought/ moved in my house long before her daughter moved into theirs, there was no such person. Then she asked me if she can still park her car in my parking space. I told her, it's better for her to park her car in the guest parking lot or an parking space in front of the end unit which is most time empty.

Since 2011, time by time I could smell strange air flowing into the house. I had hard time to figure out how the air gets into my house. It comes even the air conditioning system and fan were turned off and no strange air outside the house. I would be woken up by sneezing, coughing, or dry throat at the middle of night caused by that strange air.

I saw the same oval face black guy coming out from my left side neighbor after the woman of the house in black dress. He appeared in the building where my rental apartment is at Cranbrook road Cockeysville. He and a black woman had appeared in the shell garage close to my house when I sent my car to fix. He looks like an African-American guy named Dr. Maurice sitting close to the exit not too far from my current cubical. Sometime he would stand there watching at me while I pass through the walking way. One time when I passed through his office he suddenly greeted me. I replied pleasantly.

Didn't see the woman’s parents for a while.

August 1st, smelled funny air and woke up and moved to different room. Just settled for little while, then heard a little girl's crying ( left side neighbor's daughter). A breath of air with the same smell and sensation blew to my nose. Didn't see their kids after this day.

On August 10th ,11th , I was also woken up by strange air, except it has no smell, but irritates my nose and skin.

On August 10th afternoon, a janitor came to the cubicle to empty trash cans, and suddenly popped out “How are you”. I didn't reply.

On August 11th morning, saw a dead cicada lying outside my door and came back evening and couldn't find it anymore. At work, suddenly I felt point of burn at the lower back of my head on the neck, then my head became so heavy and tight and my arms and legs felt numb sensation as if I got electrical shot. Feeling so bad, I heard John Beasley asked Kyle Willette to ask me some questions about the work. So I turned back and answered questions Kyle asked while he stood at the entrance of my cubical. John walked away.

On August 12th morning, smelled the similar kind of air with irritation. My head feels fine, but I can still fill the numb sensation when my arms move.

On August 13th morning around 6:15am, smelled the similar kind of air with irritation. It lasted 20 minutes also.

On August 14th , no strange air. The woman's SUV wasn't there since August 13th night until then.

On August 15th, no strange air

On August 16th , strange air blew in around 7:00am

On August 19th , strange air blew in at 11:00pm middle of night last until 3:03am of August 20th . Smell it while sitting at the living room. Left the door open.

It went on ...

Started Around October 4th , for about over one week the air appeared normal and I had peaceful sleep.

October 13th, the same air came in again around 10:30pm.

October 24th, the same air came in around 4:00am. My face was irritated. Same air came in around 20:00pm

November 3rd, the same air came in around 6:00am. I climbed to the attic and smell the same kind of air.

Made report to Community Association Management on November 3rd

The air density seems increased.

November 6th, the same air came in around 9:00am to the bedroom.

November 7th, the same air came in around 6:00am to the bedroom and 10:00pm to the living room.

November 9th, the same air came in around 2:30am to the bedroom, at 3:05am sound of closing a door was heard. Around 9:30pm, the same air came in the living room.

November 10th, the same air came in around 2:30am to the bedroom, around 6:20 different kind of stinking air flew in.

November 13th, the same air came in around 9:00am to the bedroom, around 9:00pm to the living room.

November 14th, the same air came in around 8:30pm to the living room (Moved to right side bedroom, not sure about the air in the bedroom.

November 15th, the same air went to the bedroom at middle of night, not in living room.

November 16th, the same air went to the bedroom at middle of night. Around 9:30am, I came back to home to pick up the employee card. The male owner of left side neighbor came up to me to ask me not to use alarm clock. I asked him why there was irritating air coming from their house to mine. He said he didn't know and would ask his wife about it. Evening came home around 8:00pm, the guy rung the door bell and asked me not to use the alarm. I told him that ppl should respect each other. Why did they stir up the parking issue and send irritate air to my house. He replied that he would look into that. I said I would try too.

November 17th, the irritating air came into the living room around 10:00pm, the air came into the bed room at the middle night was extremely strong. I felt my throat is swelling, chest is congested, and have problem to breath. Forwarded the complain to Baltimore County Police.

November 18th, the same air with high density came into the living room around 10:00pm

November 19th, 2 kinds of air, one with burning smell and the other with medical smell, no irritation on skin, came into the living room one after the other around 10:00pm

November 20th, the irritating air came to the bedroom.

November 21th, the irritating air came to the living room around 8:00pm and last almost 3 hours and more. No strange air in the bed room.

November 22th, the air doesn't irritates skin, but irritates nose appeared in the living room around 8:00pm.

November 23rd, different air with strong odor filled with whole house. Evening around 8:00pm, light air doesn't irritates skin, but inside of nose appeared in living room.

November 24th, Evening around 8:00pm, light air doesn't irritates skin, but inside of nose appeared in living room; around 10:00, the same irritating air appeared in the living room.

November 25th, Tried to finish the translation homework and went to bed around 2:30am, heard stepping sound top of room as if some person was walking on the roof. Evening around 10:00pm, the same irritating air appeared in the living room.

November 26th, Early morning around 8:00am, light irritating air came to the bedroom on the 2nd floor.

November 27th, irritating air appeared in the living room around 10:45pm.

November 29th, irritating air appeared in the living room around 8:30pm.

November 30th, irritating air appeared in the living room around 8:30pm.

December 2rd, irritating air appeared in the bedroom around 7:00am and in the living room around 12:00pm night.

December 3rd, irritating air appeared in the living room around 8:30pm.
December 5th, irritating air filled in the bedroom around 11:00pm.

December 6th, irritating air started filling in the toilet and living room since 8:30/9:00am.

December 8th, irritating air started filling in the bedroom around 2:00am, then on and off 16:00pm, 21:00pm. ( I was off at home due to cold and cough ).

December 9th, irritating air started filling in the bedroom around 19:00pm.

December 10th, irritating air started filling in the living room around 16:00pm. Report is sent to Vickie Warehime ; Aaron Brewer ; Larry Stallings <lstallings@baltimorecountymd.gov>

December 10th, the man of the left side neighbor rung my door in extensive period and said that if I wouldn't stop the alarm clock he would my life miserable here.

December 11th, light irritating air started filling in the living room around 19:15pm.

December 12th, didn't feel the irritation on skin

December 17th, light irritating air started filling in the living room round 21:30pm. Tested.

December 18th, light irritating air started filling in the living room round 20:20pm.

December 19th, irritating air started filling in the living room round 21:00pm.

December 20th, irritating air started filling in the living room round 21:00pm. Felt intense laser shot at my belly and buttock while lying at bed and woke up middle of night. My lower back felt like sun burn and felt nauseated.

On December 21st, worked for 4 hours and left. Around 4:30pm received phone call from officer Stallings who made appointment to see my place regarding the irritation air emitting from the leftside wall. Then later received phone call from officer Brown and told me that he and the other officer would give a visit first. So them came around 6:30pm. Leftside woman of the house, Diana wasn't home. There was no irritation air coming in at the moment they were here.

On December 22nd, received phone call from officer David who asked about case. I told him what happened.

December 23rd, started from 18:55pm, light irritating air flew in, although very light , I can still feel it.

Started from December 12th, I've been laser shot while was sleeping. They came either from the windows toward Bonnie Ridge rental apartment or some kind of radio wave from the left side wall. It's like electromagnetic radiation emitted from an Electromagnetic (radiation) Weapon.

Electromagnetic (radiation) weapons are a type of directed energy weapons which use electromagnetic radiation to deliver heat, mechanical, or electrical energy to a target to cause various, sometimes very subtle, effects. They can be used against humans, electronic equipment, and military targets generally, depending on the technology.

When used against humans electromagnetic weapons can have dramatic effects, such as the intense burning sensation caused by Raytheon's Active Denial system, or more subtle effects such as the creation—at a distance—of a sense of anxiety or dread in an individual or a group of people. Three military advantages of such weapons are: (1) that the individual or group of people would not necessarily realize that they were being targeted by such a device; (2) that microwave radiation, like some other radio frequency radiation, can easily penetrate most common building materials; and (3) that with specialized antennas the radiation and its effects can be focused on either an individual or a large area such as a city or country.

High-energy radio frequency weapons (HERF) or high-power radio frequency weapons (HPRF) use high intensity radio waves to disrupt electronics.

High and low power, Pulsed Microwave devices use low-frequency microwave radiation which can be made to closely mimic and interact with normal human brain waves having similar amplitudes and frequencies. The heart, lungs, and other vital organs are controlled by very low voltage electronic signals from the human brain. It should be possible to disrupt, catastrophically, such signals - from a distance - using this technology.

I recall now that there was an old white guy went to the leftside neighbor's house many times. He looks like a person in AAI Corp. with a sectary named Bridget McDonald. Recalling back 2006, I saw him in the yoga class at Bikram yoga center located at Cranbrook Shopping Center in Cockeysville MD 21030. One time the instructor talked something funny with him, so almost everyone turned back his/her head to look at him. Next day in the shared office space walk way, he walked by me with strange impression on his face. But I didn't really pay much attention of that then. If the leftside neighbor has a electromaganet weapon, probably it has something to do with this old guy.

I experienced laser/electrical shot at my back of head, chest, lower back, and belly at work, now in my home. There must be something illegal going on. Is it legal for regular householder to own such weapon? Why do they keep targeting at me?

December 27th, officer Stallings showed up at the door around 10:30am. Thought he wouldn't come since office Brown and the other policeman have discussed the matter. However I discussed the matter with him again. In addition, I told him about the laser shooting. He went to the leftside neighbor too.

December 28th, started from the middle night, there was strong radio wave from the outside window and the left side wall. It causes directional burning sensation on skin.

December 28th, slept in the room lean to the rightside and face to the third tee ct. I experienced electromagnetic radio wave from the windows toward to the third tee ct.

During the daytime of December 29th, same kind of pulse shooting at me from the window toward Third Tee Ct while sitting in the living room. Same kind of pulse shooting at me from the window of the sun room toward Bonnie Ridge apartment while sitting in the kitchen. So does now at 11:59pm.

December 30th, started from 19:00pm the electromagnetic radio pulse shooting into the living room from the windows toward Third Tee Ct. By sitting in different locations of the living room and feeling the direction of pulse piercing into I conclude that the wave is coming from the direction of the end house of the opposite building block closing to the mail box.

On the 2nd floor bedroom lean to the rightside, the electromagnetic radio pulse somehow comes from the left front, the direction of the house opposite the leftside neighbor's and front of the room windows.

From the windows in the sun room toward to Bonnie Ridge, the radio pulse increased around 23:10pm and stopped at 23:20pm.

January 1st,, 2012, electromagnetic radio pulse shooting into my kitchen and 2nd floor bedroom while I was lying there as I couldn't really get into sleep while the body felt piercing pain and burning on outskin whenever a pulse passes through me.

January 2nd, as I sat in front of the island inside kitchen I felt electromagnetic pulse is shooting in from the windows of the sun room and sliding door on the left side. Most pulse goes to left and right sides of my lower belly, my leftside chest, and waist area. It shoots into 2nd floor bedroom.

January 3rd, as I sat in front of the island inside kitchen I felt electromagnetic pulse is shooting in from the windows of the sun room and glass sliding door on the left side started from 19:00pm. It started to get less intense at 22:30pm.

January 4th, no pulse shooting into the kitchen, but there is electron pulse shooting into the bedroom from the left front and front of windows at night targeting at my belly.

January 5th, no pulse shooting into the kitchen, but there is electron pulse shooting into the bedroom from the left front and front of widows at night targeting at my belly.

January 6th, at around 6:00am, electron pulse shooting into the bedroom from the left front and front of widows at night targeting at my belly. So did during the night

January 7th, morning and evening, electron pulse shooting into the bedroom from the left front and front of widows. Start 18:00pm afternoon, electromagnetic pulse is shooting into kitchen from the windows of the sun room and glass sliding door on the left side. So did into the living room from the windows toward 3rd Tee Ct. There was pulse shooting from the left side wall toward to the right side wall inside the living room.

Around midnight 24:00pm (between January 7th and 8th ) I got on bed, then heard 1 beep of car, then 2 beeps of car from the 3rd Tee ct. The electron pulse started to shooting into my bedroom. From the left front, the intense electron wave constantly emitted in; from the front, the electron pulse randomly dropped in and hit on the plastic bed with puddle sound. This situation last until 4:11am morning. One car drove away. The intense electron wave disappeared, but random pulse from the front kept spotted in. Couple hours later heard leftside neighbor came out and drove the car away, then someone else. I felt into sleep for a while and woke up. Around 13:00pm noon I heard door bell ring. Officer Brown and the other officer appeared in front of door. Officer Brown told me that officer Stalling informed him about the electron pulse issue. I told them about the last night's event.

January 8th, the electron pulse started to shooting into my bedroom.

January 9th, morning as siting in the kitchen since 10:00am, I felt the pulse exerting at me from the front and left front. I left at 12:14am for Ultrasound. The kitchen was still filled with electron pulse when I came back. Then I left at 18:00pm for picking up boy friend. The pulse was disappeared when we came back around 20:00pm and didn't appear the rest of night. Whoever did all that seem scared of other males. I'm wondering if it would fend away those imbeciles if I had a male chimpanzee or dog home.

January 10th to 11th, I went to bed around 24:00pm. Wave like pulse started shooting from the left front, then bullet like shootings until morning.

January 11th, electron pulse shooting started since I got on bed till 12th morning.

January 12th, electron pulse shooting from both sides to the kitchen since 19:00pm. The one from the sun room windows stopped around 1: 30am of 13th. The one from the sliding door continued. I left for bed around 1:41am of 13th. The pulse continued shooting into the bedroom .

January 13th, the pulse started shooting into the living room as I settled down there for a while around 20:17pm. The pulse continued shooting into the bedroom day and night

January 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, The pulse continued shooting into the bedroom day and night and hit on the aluminum foil and sounded like raindrops. It last for a period of time, then stopped, then repeated again.

January 17th, around 16:00pm, two girls (one black with very short hair, one Hispanic with curly hair bound together behind – forgot to ask names from them) from Crisis Response team showed up at the door. I printed out the log and air test reports and gave them. They asked me to call them instead of 911. I told them that I didn't dial 911. I told them everything listed is fact. Only need some detectives to find out who did that, and why he/she did that. I don't need emotional support, but solution. The on going shooting toward to my bedroom stopped around 17:30pm for a while.

January 18th, since 11:00am after the internet service installer left the electron pulse shot into the living room until I left for sleep. The electron pulse shot into the bedroom was lighter and random this night.

January 19th, the electron pulse started to shoot into the living room around 18:30pm. Raindrop like shooting to the bedroom started around as well.

January 20th, the electron pulse started to shoot into the living room around 21:00pm. Raindrop like shooting to the bedroom continued until next day morning.

January 21th, the electron pulse started to shoot into the living room around 20:30pm. With the updated shield, I felt it less intense. Didn't hear “papa” shooting sound (the sound when the pulse hits on air bed or the aluminum shield in the bedroom until 3:45am of 22nd, which last whole morning.

The same situation is continuing. Electron pulse is still shooting into the kitchen, living room, and bedrooms. Anything made of plastic used for shielding would send out melting odor when electron pulse is shooting at the windows.

The bedroom is located at the 2nd floor while the living room is at the 1st room.

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