

(2013-03-09 07:11:41) 下一個
By V HuPutting many minor details aside, in May 2011 my father suffered sudden urinary tract bleeding during his clinical trip to Suzhou city for Red Cross China. He was enrolled into Nanjing People's Hospital for emergency hospitalization. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer. B was in China and rushed to Nanjing to watch him over during the nights. My elder sister and mother took care him daily. Couple weeks later he was discharged from the hospital. But the decision that how to treat the cancer ultimately couldn't be made yet. I suggested surgery. My elder sister and mother suggested conservative medication treatment considering his old age. They know some people suffering the same condition are treated with medication and live very well. 撇開很多枝節,2011年5月我父親突然在蘇州為紅十字會出診時,泌尿係統大出血,急住南京人民醫院,診斷為前列腺癌,B守夜,姐和我母親照顧,出院,但最後的解決措施沒定。我建議采取手術治療,但根據姐和母親說根據其他認識的有同樣病情的人的處理方式,保守藥物治療為好。 In June 2011, I went back home in China. My father's condition got stabilized and were in the three months conservative medication treatment. I spent quiet amount time with B in his office located in Shandou city. I visited my elder sister in Shenzhen. Her fiancee looked not well, the house wasn't well organized, and she was busy with her business. So I didn't stay there. I visited my old colleagues from Mandarin hotel in Xiamen China. I visited close relatives and the grave of my grandparents in Wuxi.2011年6月我回國,父親病情穩定,保守藥物治療看三個月後結果,在家休息。期間我去汕頭B辦公點那裏呆了一段時間。去深圳探望姐姐,她未婚夫看起來病歪歪的。本想在她家呆幾天,看到家裏亂亂的,姐說沙發搬到開的公司辦公室去了。我就沒有在她家過夜。我去廈門看望了以前的老同事。我回無錫老家看望近親和上爺爺奶奶的墳。 In July 2011, I returned back to USA and went to work as usual. Then some strong invisible matter shot hardly at lower back of my head in my working cubical in side AAI Corp. while I was sitting in front of the computer, my legs and arms trembled and turned into numb, my head was congested and painful, and my speech was almost impaired. Pesticide like air emitted from the left side wall corners into my residency. The testing reports show severe chemical pollutant and was submitted to the police. Emitting of poisonous air was stopped end of 2011, but shooting of electron magnetic pulse, radio wave, or microwave into my house was started. I quit the job in AAI Corp in January 2011. 2011年7月回美國,照常上班。在公司被無形波擊中後腦勺,我四肢顫抖發麻, 我的大腦脹痛,說話都困難。殺蟲劑似的氣體開始半夜三更從左邊的牆裏冒到我家裏。測試報告顯出有嚴重的化學氣體汙染,轉給了警察局。氣體就消失了,接著就是電磁波/無形熱波的騷擾。2012年1月我辭職了。End of February 2012 I went back to Xiamen China. During first month, everything was fine and I was in total peace. One month later, some electron pulse started to appear in the rental apartment. On March 8 I started to work for Tainetech, a website developing company in Xiamen. I worked peacefully for more than one month. Started from May, electron pulses started targeting at me when I was working in Tainetech. It started from the floor. The pulse bumped on my legs and feet and they became swollen. 2012年2月底回中國廈門,開始1個月過的很好,啥都沒有了。一個月後住處就開始有無形熱波騷擾。3月8日開始在廈門創業園創業路的泰納信息科技,一家網頁/收銀軟件開發公司工作,5月初工作的地方也受到電磁波/熱波騷擾。一開始從地板處,射得雙腿發腫。 On May 10th, while I was sitting at my desk bursts of electron pulse shot directly to my chest. During the lunch break, I sat on a stone bench with my two colleagues in the yard front of the office building, and felt electron wave. It was in much bigger scale, less intensity. The front side of my body facing toward the building felt things bumping on the skin and raining pain. During that period, a security guard from that building approached us and observed us.5/10日坐在辦公室時被直射到胸口,中午吃飯休息,跟同事坐在大樓對麵是板凳上也同樣感覺到了,隻是麵積比較大,身體朝著大樓的一麵感覺到麻麻的跟觸電一樣還夾雜著淋淋散散的刺痛,期間一個大樓的保安還湊過來觀察了我們三個人。 In May 11th and later, electron pulses pushed back of my head and the back, sometime in big wave, sometime in direct shooting.5/11日後坐在辦公室被射到背後和腦後,有時整片的,有時直射。 Before the electron pulse shooting, I noticed there were some new faces entered/exited in/out the building. 2 white males, one in 50s, the other in 30/40s, couple Asian males seen in Baltimore. One skinny male stood at door of the Hunan Taste restaurant beside H-Mart located at Route 40. Another square faced little fat male once seen in the elevator of building 100 in AAI Corp. 在這之前,公司大樓增加了一些值得注意的人,應該跟以上發生的有關。2個白人,一個50歲左右,一個30/40歲左右。兩三個曾在美國Baltimore出沒的華人。一個是在40號公路Hunan Taste 餐館內站在門口送客的瘦高個,尖臉男人,一個曾經在美國AAI公司100號樓電梯裏方臉稍胖男人。 That Jewish like white male in 30/40s once appeared in the Lincoln center Opera theater when Kaiing and I went there to watch opera in December 2009. He was then with a old male in old suit standing outside the female's rest room. I was then waiting in the line to use the rest room. 那個30/40 歲左右的男人看起來有點像猶太人,曾在2009年12月25日跟凱因在紐約林肯中心劇院看戲休息期間見過,當時陪著一個瘦的穿著陳舊禮服的老頭子站在女廁所外麵觀望。當時我在廁所外排隊。 This old male appeared at the boarding gate of Dragon airline to Xiamen in HK airport on May 28, 2012. I was sitting on the bench and waited for checking in. He came and sat beside me. There was a fat young Asian male sitting two rows front constantly watching over. I moved to the end of the line to wait for boarding. He right away followed me to the line. During check in, the air hostesses told me they have to take extra time to check my ticket information and let this old male board on the air plane first.那個老頭子在2012年5月28日我從美國回中國途徑香港機場時,在港龍航空的等候大廳坐到我旁邊。當時有個稍胖的亞裔年輕男人坐在隔著的兩排座位外麵對我們,並不斷觀望。我排隊檢票入艙,那個老人也跟著排到我後麵。檢票時,服務小姐說我的信息有問題,讓後麵的人先檢票入艙,我等了兩三個乘客通過,另一名小姐查詢完後我才通過,如釋重負,當時心裏很感激這兩位港龍航空的小姐在查詢我機票時出錯。Until then, electron pulse/radio wave/microwave constantly shot into my rental apartment in Xiamen. I tried to spend more time outside the rental apartment, i.e. beach, mountain, park...but I couldn't go out everyday. I had to sleep at home. Now in National Day and Middle Autumn of October 2012, nothing is stopped. Sometime electron pulse is shot into living room, sometime bedroom, even on the balcony. 直到現在,我在廈門租用的套房一直受到電磁波/騷擾。盡量往外跑,比如沙灘,山地,公園。。。但是不可能天天往外跑。晚上還得在家睡覺。現在2012年10月的國慶/中秋放假都還沒有消停。一會射到客廳,一會房間,晚上站在陽台上都能感覺到。回複(Responses):1. 長期操作電腦,你有頸椎問題,建議中醫理療 With prolong working in front of computer, you may have cervical vertebra problem, suggest to have Chinese Transitional Medicine Therapy.根本跟頸椎沒有牽連,不然在家/工作處和在外都會一樣。被射的點都不同,身體的不同部位都不一樣。我了解我自己,所以可以100%確定是外界電磁波/熱波。該考慮的我都考慮了。My cervical vertebra has no problem. Otherwise I would feel the same every where I go. I feel the electron pulse only when I am working at company and staying home. The locations that electron pulse shot on my body changed for different time. I know myself and can 100% sure that it is electron pulse from the external. I've considered all need to be considered. 每天射的都不完全一樣的。在家被射,走出家門或走到陽台,原來感覺到的身體部位馬上就感覺不到。一會左邊,一會右邊,胸前,背後,頭頂,腳上,腹股溝,屁股上,肚皮上,胯部。。。The electron pulse shot in different day is different. If I was shot inside home, and would feel nothing after I moved outside the home or walked to the balcony. Some time it is on the left, sometime right, sometime front, sometime back, sometime on top of head, on feet, groin, buttock, belly, hip...勁椎出問題會在這麽多身體的不同部位感覺到一會像電流的麻麻感,一會刺痛感,嚴重時胸口刺痛,一天都悶,或腿疼得都不想走路,或好像被做了化療都想嘔吐?????if the cervical vertebra has problem, how could I have so many different body parts experiencing electric like tingling sensation, pricking pain, severe chest pain, chest congestion, pain on legs, sensation to vomiting after the chemotherapy???? 我在第2次在公司內受到嚴重重擊後去醫院做了x光片,mri 磁場共振。頸椎沒有問題。這些都在我發表的紀錄裏都記載下來了。When my back of head was shot heavily 2nd time inside AAI Corp., I visited doctor for diagnose. I had Xray and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. I don't have cervical vertebra problem. The details have been recorded in my published diaries. 如果我身體出問題,不用那麽多怪裏怪氣的人從美國一直跟到中國。If my heath has problem, it wouldn't bother so many eccentric people followed me from America to China. 2. 天哪,看你說的這個,感覺跟恐怖片一樣,我很好奇,人家為什麽要用電磁波害你呢?有利益關係麽?還是得罪了什麽人 Gosh, what you told is like horror movie. I'm curious why people electron shoot at you. Any benefit related issues? Did you offend anyone?2012-10-17 12:40說: 可分析的原因有幾個。根據我主管,公司內使研製電磁武器,曾經試驗過,我其他日記裏就有他的電子郵件內容。因為這對我來說也是很突然,都是感覺到了,自測後了再去問人和查找相關資料。我應該沒得罪人,但是可能表現的太善,很多人想武力強製我做什麽。There are many reasons. According to my supervisor, AAI Corp does research and produce electron magnetic weapons. That has been tested. Referring to his emails in my diaries. Everything occurred to me in a sudden. I felt it , tested it myself, then asked others and searched for related documentaries. I don't think I've deliberately offend anyone. Most time I appear too kind. A lot of people may try to force me into something.2012-10-17 12:48說: 武力強製,我覺得也不至於啊,你都回中國了,人家不惜那麽大的代價,從美國跟過來,如果真要對你做什麽,在美國的時候,就該對你實施了forcing, I feel it is over stated. You've already came back to China. Those people followed you here with extremely high expenses. They would done all that back in the USA if they really wanted to do something to you.2012-10-17 12:51   說:看到幾個在美國Baltimore的白人,亞裔男人一個多月後到廈門了。他們確實在美國實施了,好像不夠,或者美國所作的借口需要更多的謊言和借口來掩蓋,所以不惜代價跟到中國。I saw couple white males, Asian males seen in Baltimore followed me to Xiamen one month later. They did started electron torture back in USA. It seemed not enough for them, or they need more excuses and lies to cover up what they did in the USA. Therefore they followed me to China at any costs.2012-10-17 12:561.....在美國,會有很多基督教徒經常會引導或說教我加入教會。我也見到很多華人經過一次沉重的精神打擊都轉成了基督徒。有些做生意的,比如施成章針灸師還跟我說,不信教沒有生意。凱英賣房子,也是很虔誠的基督徒,說她房地產的老板是個特別信的基督徒。她跟我提過一母女倆轉成虔誠的基督徒因為丈夫/父親死於一次車禍。如果這時自然發生的事件,丈夫出車禍去世,母女找到精神寄托是一件很好的事。如果為了讓人信教,故意殘害人身健康和無辜的生命,那真的不值得信,因為那樣宗教就變成了殺人工具,賺錢工具,扭曲人性的工具和壓迫工具。In America, many Christians persuade me to be converted into Christianity. I met many Chinese who became Christian after suffered a major nerve breakdown. Some business people,i.e. Dr.Shi told me that he couldn't get a lot of business if he doesn’t enroll in Christianity. Kaiing is a realtor and also a devout Christian. She told me her boss, a real estate agent is also a devout Christian. She mentioned to me that a mother and daughter enrolled Christianity after the husband/father died from a car accident. It would be great thing happen to that mother to find sustenance in Christian spirituality if all these occurred naturally. It would not be trustworthy if it is to purposely injure and kill innocent people only to make them religious.  我跟她說我國內的朋友有信基督教,有信佛教。。。我很尊重大家的信仰,蘿卜青菜各有所好,我現在真的信不起來,偶爾去次教堂,跟她們聊聊宗教的事也是可以的。I told her that some friends of mine in China are Christians while some are Buddhists. I respect everyone's faith. People makes choices according their preference. It is just like some people like turnips while some prefer greens. I couldn't become Christian, but would be happy to attend church service with her time by time and discuss about the religious matter with them. 我左邊的鄰居放一包猶太教的宣傳資料在我家門口,然後站在停車位的車子旁觀望,很令人生厭。這因該是冒犯他人的宗教信仰自由權。My left-side neighbor put a package of Judaism promotional material in front of my house door and stood beside the car parked in the front to watch my reaction. This action violates my right of freedom of religion or belief and made me really upset. 2.....另一方麵,在Baltimore 的李玲,李玉玲(Lucy Li的姐姐),李愛玲的侄子,阿特肯的廚娘Wanda,李愛玲珠光公司94年的老總因該是想盡辦法要封嘴。李玲和李玉玲都在華人生物醫藥科技協會(CCBA)工作,李玉玲還是主席。他們跟李愛玲和她現任的老公都是一條線上的螞蚱。可我實際上根本不想跟他們羅嗦了,我已經往我自己的人生道路前進了。可是做賊心虛的和貪婪的東西看到我心慌了。The other side, Maggie, YuLing Li ( Lucy's elder sister), Lucy's nephew, Bobby,Artco's cooking lady, Wanda, the general manager served for ZhuGuang Company in ZhuHai in 1994 ,Lucy herself ,and Lucy's current husband wanted to silent me. Both Maggie and Yuling Li work for CCBA and YuLing Li is the Chairwoman. I didn't want to deal with them. But they feel nervous to see me because they are guilty for something for their greediness.3.....根據觀察到的情況,自身的經曆,和遇到的人,有一種被藥物試驗的感覺。很多謠言,挑撥離間都是為了破壞我的名聲,孤立我,為實驗鋪路。2011年7月就開始了。先放毒氣,被測出來後,就放電磁波。在美國折騰得還不夠,跟蹤到中國,繼續執行。這些費用不低,想一想,要在我工作的地方和住處都安排人員,不同的時候發射,除非中美兩國都能從中得到好處。中國人的命向來都被認為很踐的。According to my personal experience and the people I met along the way, I feel there is in-volunteer medical testing going on. All the lies and incites are intend to damage my reputation, isolate me, and prepare for the execution. Since July 2011, poisonous air first emitted into my house, after it was tested and exposed, the electron pulse was started to shot at me. It is not enough to torture me in the USA to them, so they followed me back to China and continued execution. The cost of execution is not little. Thinking about how much it would cost to arrange people at my work place and residency to shot me 24/7. Unless both China and America can be benefited for something. Chinese people's live has always been considered cheap!4.....中國女人到一個地方,很多險惡的人都想賺點便宜,逼良為娼。有些在國內本來就已經是為娼數年,所以也無所謂了,很順服。可是也有很多人不願意的。凱因曾對我說過,為什麽不順服,這個順服可是多方麵的。Chinese woman appear to be too kind. In any place a Chinese woman goes, she would be taken advantage by those sinister villains and forced to sell her body. Some of them have been selling themselves for long time back in China and got already used to that, so appear very obedient. But there are many not want to be the same. Kaiing has asked me why not to be obedient. This word of Obedience means so much!5.....左邊的鄰居想方設法壓製我,得不成就報複。公司裏以前騷擾過我的人,Patric Vivona, Sean 也會報複我。My left-side neighbor kept trying to suppress me since they moved in. They started retaliation. The employees in AAI Corp. bothered me before, Patric Vivona and Sean also could run the retaliation against me. 有人要逼我做某些事,有人要得到某些東西,有人妒忌心過強。。。。都是一拍即合啊!!利誘,侮辱,和誣陷都達不到目的,就開始放毒氣和射電磁波/微波到我身上武力強迫。Some people want to force me to do something that I don't want, some people want to get something, some people are just too jealous...they hit it off with each other! ! Inducement, insult, and framing don't get what they want, then violently emitted poisonous air into my house and shot me at work and in home with electron pulse/microwave/radio wave. 父親急病,我急回國,我被誣陷,我被放毒氣和電磁波迫害。。。一步一步安排的。My father suffered sudden ill, I rushed back to China, I was framed, I was tortured by poisonous gas and electron pulse/radio wave/microwave...step by step, all was arranged. 2012-10-17 13:07我啥都不是,為什麽有那麽多人花那麽多精力, 金錢跟蹤,設圈套,​發射電磁波我I'm nobody , why some people want to spend such huge amount of effort and money to stalk, set up traps, shooting electron pulse at me...2006年聖誕節,當著我妹妹的麵CCBA 的李玲(Maggie ) 曾經問起我妹妹專業,碩士英文,找啥工作的事。又要送汽車音樂播放器。當時很隨意的推掉了。沒有想太多。In 2006 Christmas, with my sister' presence Maggie from CCBA asked about my sister's major of study, English Literature, and job seeking status. She intended to give car music playing device. I didn't think much and just casually turned down.2008年在廣東賑災義賣會上,見到CCBA的女主席,李玉玲讓我想起了李愛玲(Lucy). 那天她給了我名片,Maggie 邀我去她男朋友,Bobby Li 的住處吃中秋元宵,我把我的提包放在客廳,在廚房吃的元宵,回到家,李玉玲給我的名片就不見了。In the Guangdong Snow Disaster Relief Bazaar hosted in 2008, I met the Chairwoman of CCBA, Yuling Li who reminded me Lucy Li. That night she handed me her name card. Later Maggie invited me to her boyfriend, Bobby's residency to eat sweat rice dumplings for Autumn Festival. I left my handbag on the table in the living room and had the rice dumplings in the kitchen with Maggie. After I got home, I couldn't find the Yuling's name card anymore.CCBA華人醫藥協會, John's Hopkins 醫院,AAI Corp 內的人都有千絲萬縷的聯係。It appears to me that CCBA, John's Hopkins, and some people in AAI Corp are connected. 但是我於2011年7月回到美國後,嚴重的毒氣,電磁波攻擊開始了,從公司和左邊鄰居同時開始,給我帶來的傷害非常之大。我腦袋被射的之今還脹脹的,腿還麻麻的,皮膚疼痛,瘙癢,淤血,紅腫。我不能安心工作和做任何事。After I came back to USA in July 2011, I was attacked with severe poisonous gas and electron pulse at work and in home from the leftside neighbor. It causes dramatic damage. My head feels congested, my legs feel tingling, my skin feels pain, itch, has bruising, redness and swelling. I couldn't concentrate on work or do anything. 所有這些就是要使我精神崩潰,甚至死亡,不能說話,不敢說話,說話不算數。All these is just trying to cause me nerve breakdown, even death, not be able to talk, to be afraid of talk, and my words not to be counted, one word, silent me. 為什麽有人要我這樣??為了掩蓋什麽??我又知道什麽??Why some people want me silent? What to be covered up? What I do know that bothers them so much?
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