2005年7月31日,利用長周末假期到Marineland 遊樂場遊玩,Marineland 離舉世聞名的Niagara Falls很近,開車隻要3、5分鍾的時間。在Marineland,最享受的當是觀看海豚表演,最刺激的莫過於乘坐Sky Screamer。當工作人員為每個乘坐人員檢查安全裝備完畢,輕輕扭動開始按鈕,乘坐椅開始緩慢上升,然後突然加速,瞬間將大家拉到塔頂,期間臀部緊緊壓在座椅,再突然下降,臀部瞬間開始離開座椅,大家開始“享受”自由落體。。。,此番經曆,隻能用兩個字來形容,那就是:刺激。。。
Marineland's Sky Screamer TM , the world's highest triple tower ride, takes you over 137.2 metres (450) feet skyward giving you a thrilling ride not to mention a spectacular view of the Falls and surrounding Niagara landscape. Hang on tight, though, because you are going to be launched up and down at speeds of up to 96 km/h (60 mph).
Marineland's line up of attractions, marine mammal shows, amusement rides and interactive animal displays will provide tons of thrills and excitement for all.