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(Blooming Azalea)https://www.amazon.com/Blooming-Azalea-Cong-Yan/dp/0692828613/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Cong+Yan+Blooming+Azalea&qid=1552501156&s=books&sr=1-1-spell

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            Famous Professor Liu Yihe raised his daughter Azalea alone in the United States and sent her to a prestigious medical school.  While served as a resident physician in a hospital, Azalea discovered a shocking secret more than 30 years ago from an unexpected accident of Liu Yihe.   They were struggling to face their past and could not get out of it.  On the other hand, Liu Yihe’s childhood girlfriend Maodi was waiting for him to change his mind and forgive her for a misunderstanding.


引子: 一九七七年深秋我在家裏複習高考,桌子上有一張紙寫滿了文字,是我的語文考試準備練習。有個雷姓中學同學到我家來向我請教複習中遇到的問題,他拿起這張紙,立刻被吸引住了。看完了他疑惑地問我:“你這是從哪裏抄來的?”我回答說是自己寫的,他驚訝得不行。多少年過去了,那張紙上的文字一直在我腦子裏盤桓,我為自己塑造的不幸少女形象縈縈於懷,因為她濃縮了我當知青時見過的眾多生活在底層地富子弟們的悲慘經曆。我一直想將他/她們寫出來,於是有了這個長篇小說《杜鵑花開》的構思。當時那張紙上寫的,就是這篇小說開頭的場景,那時我離開農村還不到一年,一切記憶猶新。三十多年過去了,隨著時代的變遷,這些往事都已經被人們遺忘了,我把它們寫出來,重新喚起人們的記憶,那些並不太遙遠的故事。

Opening Words:  It was the autumn of 1977.  I was preparing for my college entrance exam at home.  There was a piece of scratch paper on the table that I was using during my practice for the Chinese test.  One of my high school mates came to see me to review practice questions he encountered during his exam preparation.  He picked up the scratch paper on the table and started reading it.  He was amazed and asked: "Where did you get this story?"  I replied that I wrote it.  He gave me a look of surprise.  Many years have passed, but the story I wrote down on that paper has haunted me since.  I could not forget the image of the unfortunate girl in the tale.  She represented so many offspring of the “Exploiting Class,” who were relegated to the bottom of the society under the communist regime when I was a send-down youth in China.  I left the farmland for less than a year back then, all memories were still fresh.  I always wanted to write down the misery they suffered, which formed the idea and framework of this novel “Blooming Azalea”.  The story I wrote down on that piece of paper was the beginning of this novel.  Things have changed during the last thirty years, and the stories of the offspring of the “Exploiting Class” were gradually forgotten.  I wish to revive people's memories about these stories that happened not too long ago.

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