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“時間場”論 - 哲學話題

(2025-03-08 03:02:07) 下一個


近日出版了一本英文哲學論著《A Brief History of European Philosophy: Key Thinkers and Ideas through the Ages》。在書的結尾部分,我提出了關於宇宙的時間場論點,從全新的視角探討詮釋了時間在宇宙中本質的哲學含義。現介紹如下:

英文闡述(English version)

Time Field theory (or Time Force or Time Matrix)

  1. Beyond the Traditional Concept of Time: Our current understanding of time in the universe is limited to its linear progression from past to present to future, a unidirectional flow that can be called positive time. However, time could also extend in the reverse directionfrom the future to the present and then to the pastreferred to as negative time. Furthermore, time might extend in multiple directions simultaneously, forming what can be called a Time Field. Therefore, in addition to the Material Field (such as the macroscopic world studied in relativity and the microscopic world explored in quantum mechanics), there exists a Time Field.
  2. Interaction Between Time and Material Fields: The interaction between the Time Field and the Material Field drives the evolution of the universe. The Time Field is dominant and possesses elasticity and flexibility. Under the control of the Time Field, the Material Field continuously creates and evolves more complex and advanced forms of matter (such as life and extraterrestrial beings). The Time Field directs and propels the universes development across multiple dimensions and in countless directions without limits. Any event in the universe must occur within the Time Field, which serves as the ultimate framework for cosmic evolution. Without the Time Field, there would be no Material Field. If the Time Field ceased, the universes development would also stop. Thus, the Time Field is essential for the existence and progression of the universe.
  3. Positive and Negative Time: Positive time corresponds to the currently expanding universe. Conversely, negative time aligns with a contracting universe.
  4. Human Perception of the Time Field: Humanity exists within a Time Field situated in the realm of positive time and the expanding universe. Our perception is inherently limited and unable to detect the universes development in other temporal directions.





2)時間場和物質場的相互作用:時間場 和物質場的相互作用推動了宇宙的發展。時間場具有主宰性,且具有彈性和伸縮性。在時間場的控製下,物質場不斷創造演變出更複雜更高級的物質形式(譬如生命和外星人)。 時間場控製並推動著宇宙從多個維度向著不同方向無止境地發展,沒有極限。宇宙發生的任何事件,都必須在時間場內完成,這是宇宙演變發展的終極標誌。沒有時間場,就沒有物質場。如果時間場停頓,宇宙的發展也就隨之停止了。沒有時間場,也就沒有宇宙的發展。





《A Brief History of European Philosophy: Key Thinkers and Ideas through the Ages》中文簡介:

西方哲學史不僅是思想體係的演進史,更是一場對人類自身的持續探索。它從未固守任何既定真理,而是在思辯與對話中不斷推陳出新,形成多樣的學派和觀點,展現出人類理性追求的無窮魅力。在這一過程中,哲學家扮演了不可替代的角色,他們的思想推動了西方社會的變革,奠定了西方文化的核心價值觀,每個時代的西方哲學家都在思想的探索中留下了獨特的印記,為人類思維和知識的發展建立了重要的裏程碑。為了幫助讀者更好地理解西方哲學史上重要的發展階段,本書羅列了西方哲學史上各階段的73位哲學名家(包括三位美國哲學家),介紹他們的生平和哲學思想,為讀者提供了可貴的參考資料。通過對他們的熟悉和了解,可以清晰地把握脈搏和走向,將各個階段串聯起來,不失為一條學習歐洲哲學史的捷徑。在本書的結尾,作者自己提出了一種關於宇宙的哲學猜想,即時間場論(Time Field,or Time Force, or Time Matrix),從全新的視角探討詮釋了存在的本質與時間本身。



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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
美國嚴教授 回複 悄悄話 多謝留言。恕我不能同意您的觀點。在寫書的過程中,發現每位哲學家都持有自己的觀點,對世界的理解非常不同,這大概正是哲學的魅力所在。我提出的觀點是自己的思考而已,而且深信不疑,我思故時間在:)
ZGBD01 回複 悄悄話 時間並不存在,無非是智慧生命為了方便描述自然自己創造出來的一個數學參數。如果我們不得不承認時間是存在的,時間也就是隻有過去和將來,現在是並不存在,更不要說時間是多維的。我思故我在。