Create and run your very own virtual LEGOLAND® Park
Construct your own virtual LEGOLAND® Park!
This is your chance to really take control, get creative and have fun in a different LEGOLAND® everyday. Successful Park management will earn money to pay for ever more exciting and sophisticated rides. Have you got what it takes to keep hundreds of visitors happy? Can you pass the Park Inspector's Appraisals and become the greatest LEGOLAND® Park Manager in the world?
* Design and construct your own virtual LEGOLAND® Park using rides and attractions from the real Parks.
* Park success is rewarded with new rides and attractions, including Minilands and the ‘Best LEGOLAND® Park Manager' award!
* Watch Professor Voltage travel through time looking for cool new LEGOLAND® rides.
* Freeplay Mode gives you the opportunity to show off your Park design skills, without worrying about upsetting your visitors.
* Game Mode will challenge your creativity and Park management abilities—keeping visitors happy becomes all important!
* Develop fantastic attractions, all built from LEGO® bricks!
* Get advice from your right hand man, Jonathan Ablebody.
* Construct your own custom park.
* Will you win Best Park Manager?
* Watch the Professor as he travels through time.
* Happy visitors will earn you rewards.
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