
Garfield’s Typing Pal Deluxe is the only typing software that you will ever need and it is guaranteed that you will learn how to type – or greatly improve your skills if you already know how to type – in less than 15 days while having fun.
Many exclusive features, based on 12 years of research and development, keep motivation at a very high level.
With the help of a Wizard and a typing Test, you determine the specifics of your course and your objectives.
Follow short, step-by-step, lessons and learn to touch-type in just a few hours with this typing tutor software adapted to your skill level.
Three personal assistants guide you through the learning process and give you relevant advice.
Garfield’s Typing Pal informs you on your progression. You can access, in a simple click, to
visual and detailed information on how well you are doing.
The Serial Number:RTR5-MB9N-E7TF-QRYZ
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