【兒童益智英文遊戲】思維敏捷挑戰THINKQUICK Challenge(ISO)
Carmen reveals her makeover in this new multi-subject quiz game. Her appearance has changed, but the game quality is still quite high. This time, Carmen and her Knowbots are creating havoc by stealing ABC order, swiping radio waves and committing other annoying crimes. Kids must travel to various locations on the globe, match wits with the Knowbots and capture Carmen's corrupt associates. The Knowbots are real know-it-alls, experts in science, math, language arts, music, geography and history. Quiz questions are all multiple choice but take on different formats such as true/false, matching and sequencing. There are many game play options, for instance, the game can be played with one to four players, cooperatively or competitively, and custom questions can be added. In general, this is a likable program and a great vehicle for brushing up on facts and subject area knowledge. It's humorous and also smart- the software remembers what questions you've missed so it can ask them again. Weaknesses of the game include a confusing set of initial directions. You are bombarded with so many instructions at the onset that it's hard to remember what to do and how things work. Also, the program is reading dependent- the multiple choice answers are not read aloud. While this is a good feature for competent readers, it leaves younger kids or struggling readers behind.
Teaches: science, math, art, music, geography, reading, history
Age Range: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
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我的其他精彩下載:【兒童益智英文遊戲】思維敏捷挑戰 THINKQUICK Challenge(ISO)【兒童益智英文遊戲】找線 索CLUEFINDERS 3rd Grade【兒童教育英文ebook】 完全地圖地理教育書(3年級以 上)【兒童教育英文ebook】美國 版完全十萬個為什麽(PDF)【兒童 教育英文ebook】美國 兒童藝術手工大全【軍界排名】:十大頂級戰鬥機(英語中字)【健康ebook】:女男通吃各取所需--健康雜誌(6,7,8 月)