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梁警官案 (匯總)

(2016-02-24 21:14:32) 下一個

梁案暴露的失誤 ——拋磚引玉


讀有關李昌鈺博士談論梁案辨方宜連串錯招的報導,隱隱覺得華裔社區在梁案上可能有的失誤:那就是沒有盡早挑戰不靠譜的指控 不科學的扳機實驗,直到陪審團定案,才群情激奮,亡羊補不牢。俺們國人有忍無可忍無需再忍的傳統。在法治社會行不通。當然這主要是白人律師的失誤,程序中太多的聽天由命,他們也壓根不知道發動群眾一說。還有,參加遊行看到極少數對遊行不友好的白人路人的舉動,覺得遊行爆發太過突然,他們甚至可能誤會了咱們的訴求和立場,廣言之美國普通百姓和媒體沒時間預熱關注到作出合理反應。



你真以為是現在定罪後才鬧的?去年梁被正式起訴後就有了大規模的遊行,看進來。 -水中撈月- ♂  02/24/2016

謝澄清,我孤陋寡聞了 -股聾- ♂  02/24/2016

不是你的錯。這裏就有很多人和你一樣。 -水中撈月- ♂  02/24/2016





我特愛打比方,那就再打個比方:話說你是個菜鳥警察,被上級派去亂墳崗巡邏。正是月黑風高,一片寂靜,隻聽見老鼠喘氣,貓頭鷹咕咕的叫,和你心跳的 砰砰聲。突然腳下竄出一活物,你慌亂中劍出鞘,子彈出膛,不幸倒下去一位無家可歸的流浪漢。檢察官告你 說墳頭能有啥對你有生命威脅的?連人都沒有看到你怕個鬼啊!沒有威脅就出槍 就是菜菜鳥,犢子警察玩忽悠職守,傷及無辜就是殺人凶手!你說你是啥罪?

什麽打槍 摳扳機 使多大勁 那都是障眼法。別跟著絞進去, 跟著就著了道了。



回答: 哈哈,一黑人菜鳥警察夜巡唐人街,忽聽一聲響,緊張開一槍,打死華裔外賣郎?咋判?瀏星雨72

#跟帖#  你見過鄉下墓地麽?到處都是魂!!(俺南方人,這字咬不準) [時事述評] - 股聾


這裏玩的是偷換概念 -“使勁才能打槍 = 不是事故 (Accident)” 下麵都順路了







(2016-02-21 22:01:18)


雖然庭外和解放棄起訴“plea bargain”窗口以經關閉,最終“最佳”結局還是回歸到實效上盡可能等同於 “plea bargain”也就是控方 被控方 可以私下接受的結果。比如黑人受害方得到適量撫恤(有補償, 家屬接受並放棄繼續追究嚴懲重罰 梁警官(錢誰出?是否要起訴NYPD 有責?咱非專業人士不知道)), 梁警官有責勉重罪相對輕判(彰顯華界遊行成效)。

案子之外的意義也達到了, 即下一個案子可以有清零重來的氛圍。這才是共贏局麵。

”花錢消災“(誰?)可能更好,反正黑人一方不能既拿錢,又要“命” (梁警官的大段人生, 華人整體利益)


可能是5-10M的民事賠償。對方開始要價可能更高(估計40M) -boxhead- ♂  (35 reads) 02/21/2016

”花錢消災“(誰?)可能更好,反正黑人一方不能既拿錢,又要“命” (梁警官的大段人生, 華人整體利益) -股聾- 02/21/2016

Plea Bargain in criminal case is before the trial/verdict -rubikscube- 02/22/2016

Now that door has closed. And in Criminal trial, the government is not interested in monetary damages, but in verdict in the name JUSTICE.

As to the ensuing civil trial, the stage has been set. The initial damage is 60 m. Liang will be found guilty again for at least 6 m.

In the end, justice is served.

Agreed! 2 additional possible paths are: -股聾- 02/22/2016

Retrial is almost impossible. Appeal has a slim chance of succes -rubikscube- ♀  02/22/2016

Appeal may be possible provided that Liang's attoreny preserved the issues for appeal during this trial. The most likely issue is the examination of Liang's weapon by the jury. Although the judge has discretion to allow the jury to inspect submitted real evidence to the trial, either party may object based on prejudice grounds. If Liang's defence asserted proper legal ground while objecting to the Judge's decision, they may appeal this act as an "error" .

Other than that, there have not been many errors during the trial for retrial or appeal. 

The bar for retial is much higher than that for appeal. Retrial is not conducted by a "higher court." Rather, a retrial or new trial is conducted in the same district court with a differenct panel of jurors. 

However, it is Liang's attorney's job to pick a route going forward after the final judgment is issued in April. They do not have many options.

1)Motion for a New Trial. Grounds:

a) Prejudicial error. Serious error that makes judgment unfair, such as wrong jury instructions

b) Prejudicial misconduct. Party, attorneys, jurors, etc, such as jury considers evidence excluded at trial

c) Judgment against weight of evidence

d) Newly discovered evidence

e) Excessive or inadequate damages

2) Motion to Set Aside Judgment. Grounds:

a) Mistake, inadvertence, or excusable neglect (within a year)

b) New evidence undiscoverable at time of trial (within a year)

c) Fraud, misrepresentation, or misconduct by opposing party (within a year)

d) Judgment is void

3) Appeals

Look at potential errors on questions of law, not questions of fact. For example, 梁的手指在扳機上這個 fact is not reviewable on appeal.

我怎麽突然發現這整個事件就是個騙局:先重判,再民事索賠,主要目的是勒錢? -boxhead- ♂  02/22/2016

Prove it and you can be a hero. -rubikscube- 02/22/2016

這事我自以為想明白了 -從指控到陪審團,甚至於梁自己的辨護團隊,某種意義上演出了"上帝之手" -股聾- 02/22/2016


'別拿彼得撒氣!Don't Rob Peter to Pay Paul!'

遊行口號- 用淺顯英文,效果更好。

(2016-02-18 07:34:24) 下一個



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