
Ma Ma do you remember, 媽媽你可曾記得
the old straw hat you gave to me, 你送給我那草帽
I lost that hat long ago, 很久以前失落了
flew to the foggy canyon. 它飄向濃霧的山嶴
Yeh Ma ma I wonder 耶哎媽媽那頂草帽
what happened to that old straw hat, 它在何方你可知道
falling down the mountain side 掉落在那山坳

- Suddenly that wind came up, 忽然間狂風呼嘯
stealing my hat from me yeh. 奪去我的草帽耶哎
Swirling whirling gust of wind, 高高捲走了草帽啊

Ma ma that old straw hat 媽媽隻有那草帽
was the only one I really loved, 是我珍愛的無價之寶
but we lost it. 但我們已經失去
No one could bring it back, 沒有人再能找到

- Suddenly that wind came up, 忽然間狂風呼嘯
stealing my hat from me yeh. 奪去我的草帽耶哎
Swirling whirling gust of wind, 高高捲走了草帽啊

Ma ma that old straw hat 媽媽隻有那草帽
was the only one I really loved, 是我珍愛的無價之寶
but we lost it. 但我們已經失去
No one could bring it back, 沒有人再能找到

【老歌時光機】交佳佳老師作業,電影人證插曲《草帽歌》by 煙酒嗓
• 頂!!!夠傷感,比起原唱不夠撕心裂肺LOL,是我曾經最喜歡的一首歌之一,我在苦練英文版本,還沒有勇氣貼出來 -風過之無痕- ♂
• 唉哦,等你的撕心裂肺原版!~~ -唐歌- ♀
• 同等待 -煙酒嗓- ♂
心裏有事,加上俄烏有事,普京也不懂事, “... 台灣有事就是日本有事 ... ”,