如果你留意,一定能感受到四周有許多父親節的促銷活動。隻是不知道商家的此番良苦用心, 顧客是否真的領情,也不知有多少父親會真的收到來自子女的禮物。
在北美,有一半是單親家庭,其中又有一半以上的孩子由母親撫養。但最近據統計,單親爸爸撫養子女的情況有增加趨勢了,其中包括有意願在法庭上爭奪子女的監護權,這現象讓專家也大跌眼鏡。究其根源, 越來越多的父親開始意識到其角色的重要性。 在孩子的成長過程中, 如果說母親是家庭的核心,號稱領導,實則廚娘,保姆,司機,和撒氣包,而父親卻承擔的是偶像,師長,朋友,對手的角色。如果隨意采訪問:你的母親和父親對你印象最深刻的是什麽?相信許多人會說媽媽做的哪道菜最好吃,而爸爸的某句話或某件事對自己人生的影響。媽媽影響孩子的胃,而爸爸影響孩子的腦袋。
在華人單親家庭裏,無論是父母誰離去,孩子總有一種揮之不去的遺棄和挫折感,抑或自卑自閉,自暴自棄,反正最親的親人都不要我了,誰還在乎?或是更加自尊自愛,定要有遠大前程,不忍讓身邊人失望。 而在北美,不論是單親父親或母親,教育下的子女同雙親家庭沒有什麽不同,勵誌教育同父母親的婚姻狀態好象也沒有什麽關係,至於父親節禮物,也就是一張賀卡的區別吧。
無意中聽到一首PAUL OVERSTREET的歌“ SEEIN MY FATHER IN ME”, 就獻給那些沒有收到父親節禮物的父親吧。望天下所有的子女,在這一天,如果愛,就告訴爸爸吧。
Last night we brought the children by to visit their grandpa
And it's plain to see they're truly part of him
While we were there their grandma took out some old photographs
Man he sure looked a lot like me back then.
I'm seein' my father in me, I guess that's how it's meant to be
And I find I'm more and more like him each day
I notice I walk the way he walks I notice I talk the way he talks
I'm starin' to see my father in me.
And today I took my wife for a walk down that old dirt road
Where my daddy took my mom so many times
And we found the time to mention things we never had before
And we shared some thoughts about the family life.
Yeah, I'm seein' my father in me, I guess that's how it's meant to be
And I find I'm more and more like him each day
I notice I walk the way he walks I notice I talk the way he talks
I'm starin' to see my father in me.
And now looking back I can recall the times we disagreed
When I could not take gold of his old fashioned ways
And the more I tried to prove him wrong the more I proved him right
Now I know why he still stood by me when I went through that stage.
I'm seein' my father in me, I guess that's how it's meant to be
And I find I'm more and more like him each day
I notice I walk the way he walks I notice I talk the way he talks
I'm starin' to see my father in me.