2014 (50)
2015 (77)
2016 (96)
2017 (111)
2018 (132)
2020 (108)
如果心疼孩子,奉勸大家不要學任何marching band裏的任何樂器。後悔死了讓孩子學長笛。
今天去了一個高中的orientation。得知吹長笛必須參加marching band,日曬雨淋,每天40分鍾,每周5天。另外,橄欖球隊比賽還得去陪綁。如果不參加marching band,就不能參加青年交響樂團。選長笛,真倒黴。血的教訓,大家牢記!
沒有雙簧管,沒有巴鬆(也是雙簧管家族的)。雙簧管巴鬆嬌氣,聲音小,對溫度濕度敏感,marching band編製沒有她們
Instrumentation: The size and composition of a marching band can vary greatly. Some bands have fewer than twenty members, and some have over 500. American marching bands vary considerably in their instrumentation. Some bands omit some or all woodwinds, but it is not uncommon to see piccolos, flutes, soprano clarinets, alto saxophones, and tenor saxophones. E? clarinets, alto clarinets, bass clarinets, and baritone saxophones are less common, but can be found in some bands. Bassoons and oboes are very seldom found on a field due to the risk of incidental damage, the impracticality of marching with an exposed double reed, and high sensitivity to weather.——來自網絡