
作者:Tern2 誦唱:葉子
Ocean Symphony
On a bright Sunday we come to the shore Gulls fly over the sea wooing the waves Lying under a tree we see the birds soaring You write a sonnet; I give you my raves
Your smile so sweet, making the tree lusher My song so soft, making your face brighter It's a real symphony, not a fantasy, A concert by you and me, gulls and sea

海之交響 (Translated by Imagine45. Thanks!)
晴朗的星期天, 我們來到海傍 海鷗在上下翻飛嘲笑著波浪 樹影下我們讚歎高空的鳥 我的熱情變成你的詩一行一行
你的甜美似乎令樹葉都緊張 我輕輕的唱使你更加漂亮 你和我指揮著海和鷗 這不是夢是生活的交響

製帖模版:Tern2 11/2012
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