Original poems: Catherine
(1) As Nature Does (隨時令而變換 川流譯)
Autumn leaves are falling like rain. Seasons are changing like wind. My tears drop like the autumn leaves. My mood swings like a pendulum. - No one promised me the moon! To wax and wane; To laugh and moan, I do as nature does. 落葉如雨﹐ 蕭蕭而下秋色隨風﹐ 千變萬化我止不住的淚水湧出眼眶 就如秋葉一般的飄落 我的情緒在微風中懸蕩 好像失魂的鞦韆 原本沒有人答應過要給我月亮! 月有陰晴圓缺人有悲哀喜樂 我就順著大自然隨時令而變吧!
(2) To the Moon (致月亮 宇譯)
October Moon, how bright you shine That lured my Lady to you. She once was happy in my palace Now she left me for you. Hundreds of maids, thousands of roses That none could keep her from you. Silvery Moon without a soul How do you keep her in you? 不動聲色的明月啊 你如何偷走了我的女人? 我有成群的仆人 我有遍地的玫瑰 我買來了全世界的幸福 擺在她住過的宮殿 可如今,她走了跟著你走了 像一片被風偷走的葉子 再也不會回到原處 一無所有的明月啊 你如何能留住我的人?
(3) What I Know about Love (我所知的愛 青譯)
We are tied together heart to heart. Nothing can separate us apart. Love can be demanding. Love makes us want to give more than we have. But in the end, we can give only what we have. Love can be presumptuous. Love is to make decisions for the future. It will set us onto an unknown path. Love can be dangerous. Love is a process of learning, adapting and maturing. No one should stop you from this. Love is courageous. Love helps us to learn who we are, and how others are. It teaches us how to endure, and when to quit. It brings out our belief, trust and forgiveness. Love is our best teacher. 我所知的愛 心和心把我倆兒連成一體, 沒有什麽能把我們撕離. 愛是這樣的永恒約定! 因著愛, 以為我們可以不停的給予,竟不知, 有限的你我卻常常給不出,! 愛是這般的自以為是! 愛讓我們一起描繪那美好的前程,也躊躇, 漫漫長路將會如何崎嶇? 愛- 是危險的! 學習彼此的接納吧, 這是成熟的過程, 誰都不該阻止我們操練愛的功課, 愛- 是勇敢的。 愛幫助我們 認清自己和他人, 愛教導我們如何忍耐和放棄, 因為它滲透了我們的信仰, 帶著信任和寬恕的力量。 這樣的愛- 是我們最好的師。

葉子 2010 秋 於美國 |