Magee Marsh 在俄亥俄州 Toledo 的東邊 位於伊利湖(Lake Erie) 的南岸,是北美鶯科類候鳥春季往北遷徙途中的主要停留點。每年春天都有大批觀鳥者和攝影愛好者湧向這裏,觀鶯飛鸝舞,聽百囀千啼。今年因為早春天氣變化無常,小鳥遷移受到很大影響. 五月中去時,第一天林鶯的數量和種類都很少。還好晚上刮了一陣南風,第二天早上林鶯數量和種類明顯漸見多。人比鳥多,尋尋覓覓,捕捉到幾個鏡頭.
1. Yellow Warbler (黃鶯)

2. Yellow Warbler (黃鶯)

3. Yellow Warbler (黃鶯)

4. Yellow Warbler (黃鶯)

5. Yellow Warbler (黃鶯)

6. Yellow Warbler (黃鶯)

7. Baltimore Oriole (巴爾的摩金鶯)

8. Baltimore Oriole (巴爾的摩金鶯)

9. Baltimore Oriole (巴爾的摩金鶯)

10. ?

11. Philadelphia Vireo (費城綠鵑)

12. Philadelphia Vireo (費城綠鵑)

13. Warbling Vireo (歌綠鵑)

14. Warbling Vireo (歌綠鵑)

15. Black and White Warbler (黑白林鶯)

16. Black and White Warbler (黑白林鶯)

17. Redstart Warbler (橙尾鴝鶯)

18. Chestnut-sided warbler (栗肋林鶯)

19. Cape May Warbler (栗頰林鶯)

20. Magnolia Warbler (黑紋胸林鶯)

21. Magnolia Warbler (黑紋胸林鶯)

22. Yellow Rumped Warbler (黃腰白喉林鶯)

23. Blue-Grey Gnatcatcher (灰藍蚋鶯)

24. Blue-Grey Gnatcatcher (灰藍蚋鶯)

25. House Wren(鶯鷦鷯)

26. House Wren(鶯鷦鷯)

27. 燕子

28. 燕子

29. Grey Catbird (灰貓嘲鶇)

30. Red-Winged Blackbird Female (俗名 紅衛兵)

31. Red-Winged Blackbird Female (俗名 紅衛兵)

32. Red-Winged Blackbird (俗名 紅衛兵)

33. Common Screech Owl (普通角鴞)

34. Bald Eagle