七月初,飛離盛夏中的北美,兩天後抵達嚴冬裏的新西蘭南島,參加張焰老師帶領的新西蘭冬季攝影團。十天裏,起早摸黑,爬山涉水,追逐浪濤飛瀑,求索峰巒湖泊,捕捉晨曦晚霞, 靜待星軌銀河。 快門裏留下了無數良辰美景,更有迭連的賞心樂事。
1. Church of the Good Shepherd
2. Church of the Good Shepherd
3. Devils Punchbowl Falls
4. Devils Punchbowl Falls
5. Morning light (Lake Matheson)
6. Night starry sky (Lake Matheson)
7. Lone Tree of Lake Wanaka
8. Lone Tree of Lake Wanaka
9. The Glenorchy Willow Trees
10. The Glenorchy Willow Trees
11. Milky Way over Mount Cook
12. Star trails over Mount Cook
13. Starfish Rocks (Greymouth)
14. Motukiekie Beach (Greymouth)
15. Moeraki Boulders
16. Moeraki Boulders
17. Moeraki Boulders
18. Tasman Glacier Viewpoint
19. Tasman Glacier Viewpoint
20. Tasman Valley
21. Kea Point (Mount Cook National Park)