期刊名:Resurrection: The Bulletin of the Computer Conservation Society
期號與年份: ISSN 0958 - 7403;Number 19;Spring 1998
Integrated Circuit Computers
Research and development of integrated circuit computers started in 1965, with production starting in the early seventies. All of the early models used small-scale ICs and magnetic core memory.
Two pilot models using ICs made in China were completed in 1971. The model 111 was developed by the Institute of Computing Technology of Academic Sinica. It was a general purpose computer with a 48-bit word length and a set of 62 instructions, and was configured with a 32K word magnetic core memory. Average speed reached 300,000 instructions per second.
The DJS100 Series United Design Group was set up in June 1973, and comprised Tsinghua University, Beijing number 3 Computer Factory, Tianjin Institute of Radio Technology and other organisations. Tsinghua University led the project.
There were more than 14 models in the DJS100 Series. The design of the first model, DJS130, was completed in January 1974, and the prototype completed and appraised in the following August. Details of 14 of the DJS100 series models are as follows:
no of main
systems start completion design
Model produced date date organisation
DJS101 30 May 1980 East China Normal Univ
DJS110 15 Jul 1976 Oct 1977 Nanjing Aeronautics Inst
DJS112 25 1978 Sep 1979 East China Normal Univ
DJS112A 2 Jul 1981 Shaoguan Radio Factory
DJS120 18 Mar 1975 Jul 1975 Tianjin Inst of Radio Tech
DJS125 15 1975 Fudan Univ
DJS130 456 Jun 1973 Aug 1974 Tsinghua Univ
DJS131 >280 Jun 1973 Dec 1974 Shanghai No 13 Radio Factory
DJS132 4 Mar 1981 Tianjin Inst of Radio Tech
DJS135 1976 1979 Tianjin Inst of Radio Tech
DJS140 >10 Aug 1974 Aug 1975 Tsinghua Univ
DJS142 4 Aug 1979 1982 Tsinghua Univ
DJS152 1982 Shuzhou Radio Factory
DJS153 Jan 1982 Tianjin Inst of Radio Tech
DJS130 was the basic model. Its design followed that of the Data General Nova 1200, and it was built using small-scale ICs. DJS131 was similar, but used a different type of IC. Both were very successful.
Both smaller and larger models were developed based on the DJS130/131. The design of the DJS140 followed that of the Nova 840, which had dedicated floating point and multiply-divide functional units. Most of the DJS100 models still used magnetic core memory, but those developed in the early eighties began to use MOS memory.
1. 還有更多內容,限於篇幅我就不全部摘錄了。這些記錄相當全麵準確,比我在國內網站看到的一些帖子寫出來的要詳盡。有興趣的朋友請自己去查看。
2. 但同時這些記錄也有一個小錯。本人用過DJS130,本人的老師裏有一些參加了這些計算機的研製。DJS130是48位機。這份資料裏說成是16位的。DJS100係列是基於111型機發展起來的。111型機是48位。所以DJS100係列應該都是48位。至少我可以肯定地說DJS130是48位。
3. 還有就是速度。按這份資料,111型機速度是每秒30萬指令,但沒提DJS100係列的速度。我的記憶裏,DJS130的速度是130萬,DJS110的速度是110萬,DJS140的速度是140萬。
4. 尚有其他科學雜誌文章提及中國毛澤東時代計算機發展情況。以下為一例:
“Information Technology in China”,by John H. Maier,
in Asian Survey, Vol. 20, No. 8 (Aug., 1980), pp. 860-875
Published By: University of California Press