


(2019-08-02 19:43:54) 下一個

It appears to me that the questions raised by Runtao Yan below center on the genesis of figure 5 and the unique contributions to the transport mechanism by Dr. NiengYan’s team.

On the genesis of Figure 5. 
At the most superficial level, figure 7 of Iancu et al. (cited by this paper) reveals that the basic scheme of figure 5 was not created out of a vacuum by the authors of this paper.    It is not surprising to see that a glucose transporter would follow the Alternate Access Model (AAM) as its principle transport mechanism.

As Forrest described in his review of the secondary active transport mechanisms, secondary transporters, MFS family proteins in particular, share this basic principle of Alternate Access.   A cursory survey of past literature, also revealed numerous papers with similar schematic depiction of the Alternating Access by MFS proteins (Dang, Forrest, Guan, Iancu, Madej, Nie) , some of which are cited by this paper.  The diagrams in some of these papers are even more detailed than Figure 5.  For example, Forrest proposed an 8-state model which includes the four state model in this paper.  It seems to me that it was common knowledge in this field at the time that MFS family member proteins carry out their transport duties through AAM, and no reasonable person would have mistakenly taken the entire Figure 5 as Dr. Nieng Yan’s own creation.   

While there are nuanced differences in transport mechanisms by different MFS proteins, the focus of current research was not whether these membrane transporters utilize alternate access mechanism but the way by which alternate access is realized in common (e.g. Rocker Switch vs Gating Pore).
As to the biochemical data, I believe they are from Sun 2012 as quoted in the figure legend, referring to figure 5b in particular, demonstrating the essential nature of ICH in the Figure, the importance of which is mentioned below. 

On the unique contributions by this paper.

After a close examination of Figure 5, one would not have missed the combination of the rocker switch and the gating pore mechanisms mentioned in Forrest et al., confirming the negotiation of these two seemingly contradictory mechanisms in LeuT.   One would also not have missed the unique feature of the intracellular gate ICH of Glut 1 and XylE and possibly other MFS family 1 proteins, likely found nowhere else in the literature except Sun 2012 and this paper.   I would remiss if I did not also mention the intricate interplays of extracellular gate and ICH in directing the back and forth exchange between the inward and outward conformations of Glut1, XylE and other MFS family 1 member proteins, again would have been kept in the dark without Dr.Nieng Yan's work.  

A well trained scientist cannot fail to appreciate the detailed comparisons between uniporters and symporters, including proton coupling in the discussion, aided by the detailed structural knowledge at the molecular level rendered only by analyses of crystal structures at this time.

Let me conclude with a quote from Forrest on the importance of crystal structure in elucidating the transport mechanism: “Currently the most stimulating contribution to our understanding of secondary transport is the fast growing amount of structural data on transport proteins.  This impact is particular significant when crystal structures are available for a given transporter in different states”.      This paper has certainly made a most stimulating contribution to our understanding of the transport mechanism and more importantly, of the various diseases caused by Glut1 deficiencies, which could lead to breakthroughs in medical treatments of these diseases.   Many patients in the future might unknowingly owe tribute to this paper.   I am sure Dr Nieng Yan would not mind this innocuous omission.  

Dang, S. et al. Structure of a fucose transporter in an outward-open conformation. Nature 467, 734–738 (2010).

Forrest et al. The structural basis of secondary active transport mechanisms Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1807 (2011) 167–188

Guan and Kaback: Lessons from Lactose Permease. Annu Rev Biophys Biomol Struct. 2006 ; 35: 67–91.

Iancu, C. V., Zamoon, J., Woo, S. B., Aleshin, A. & Choe, J. Y. Crystal structure of a glucose/H1 symporter and its mechanismof action. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 110, 17862–17867 (2013).

Madej, M. G., Sun, L., Yan, N. & Kaback, H. R. Functional architecture of MFS D-glucose transporters. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 111, E719–E727 (2014).

Nie, Y., et al.  Energetics of Ligand-induced Conformational Flexibility in the Lactose Permease of Escherichia coli J Biol Chem. 2006 November 24; 281(47): 35779–35784

Sun, L. et al. Crystal structure of a bacterial homologue of glucose transporters GLUT1–4. Nature 490, 361–366 (2012).

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Nekono_88 回複 悄悄話 回複 'SwiperTheFox' 的評論 : 狐狸閣下,你在自然雜誌的發言,是你自己刪了,還是雜誌把你刪了?如果是自己刪了,為什麽?怕留下證據嗎?是雜誌刪了,你可就臭大發了。
SwiperTheFox 回複 悄悄話 回複 '南俠' 的評論 :

南俠 回複 悄悄話 寫的不錯。同意樓下那誰的。建議置頂。邏輯是,你不能因為中國的四大發明去告諾貝爾發獎的時候不引用你,對吧?
Nekono_88 回複 悄悄話 回複 'SwiperTheFox' 的評論 : 你就告訴時不時來看看網友SuperFox是你的真名實姓,你沒有違反自然雜誌的規定發Comment,你是有誠信的人,根本就設有想要欺騙雜誌和吃瓜群眾的意思。看看其還有什麽話好說。
Nekono_88 回複 悄悄話 回複 '時不時來看看' 的評論 : 說不定,這隻狐狸在改變國籍時就是用的現在掛在網上的全名。其沒有理由用假名去欺騙自然雜誌和吃瓜群眾。我想其這點基本的誠信還是有的。當然,看到其的發言,可以推理其是能夠理解雜誌對發言者的第二條要求的。西方喜歡用狐狸作為個人、公司的名子的數不勝數,既然身在西方,入鄉隨俗也未必不可。就是顛三倒四,假充內行,令人百撕不得騎姐。

時不時來看看 回複 悄悄話 I do not mean to be rude, but I would revise your comment as follows.

It appears to me that the issues raised by Runtao Yan are centering on Figure 5 which demonstrates the unique contributions of Nieng Yan team to the transport mechanism of glucose through membranes.
A. On the genesis of Figure 5
Iancu et al. (cited in this paper; their Figure 7) revealed a basic scheme for Figure 5 that a glucose transporter follows the Alternate Access Model (AAM). Forrest (reference please) reviewed that active transport mechanisms by secondary transporters, in particular proteins in the MFS family, also share the basic principle of AAM. Numerous other papers (Dang, Forrest, Guan, Iancu, Madej, Nie) depicted similarly that MFS proteins follow the AAM. Some of these papers illustrated the AAM in even more details than Figure 5, for example, Forrest proposed an eight-state model which has even included the four-state model demonstrated in this paper.
It thus appears to be a common knowledge that MFS family proteins transport glucose by the AAM mechanism. Figure 5 is by no means accredited entirely to Nieng Yan team. Nevertheless, the current research has disclosed (or confirmed?) how the AAM is realized (e.g. Rocker Switch vs Gating Pore).
The biochemical data questioned by Runtao should be referred to Sun 2012, as quoted in the caption of Figure 5b. In fact, Figure 5 demonstrates the essential nature of the ICH as a unique contribution by this paper.

B. ICH is the unique contribution
A close inspection of Figure 5 indicates a combination of the rocker switch and gating pore mechanisms, as reviewed (discussed?) in Forrest et al.; it also confirms the negotiation of the two seemly contradictory mechanisms in LeuT (reference please). Figure 5 also indicates the unique feature of the intracellular gate ICH of Glut 1 and XylE, which occurs in other MFS family-1 proteins, as disclosed by Sun 2012 and this paper. The intricate interplay of the extracellular gate and ICH directs the back-forth exchange between the inward and outward conformations of Glut1, XylE and other MFS family-1 proteins.
Forrest has recognized the importance of crystal structures in elucidating the transport mechanism: “Currently the most stimulating contribution to our understanding of secondary transport is the fast growing amount of structural data on transport proteins. This impact is particular significant when crystal structures are available for a given transporter in different states”. The crystal structure in this paper has made a stimulating contribution to our understanding of the transport mechanism. It is potentially useful to attack various diseases caused by Glut1 deficiencies.
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SwiperTheFox 回複 悄悄話 回複 '老泉' Fanreninus 的評論 :

多謝二位美言 :)
老泉 回複 悄悄話 寫得很好。我又看了一下老閻九三年的喇叭口圖,感覺有點問題。按他的圖,C265先開囗朝外,然後這個殘基開口朝內。是個小喇叭口。這種理解是不對或不全麵。具體某一個殘基,不一定開口朝內或者朝外, 而是整個區域朝內或者朝外。在這個區域中的某個殘基可能不變其構象。例如老閻的C265真的能結合底物,以助轉運,就可以在AAM過程中不變構象(老閻九五一文也認為domain B functions solely as a passive conduit), 那麽就不一定有C265開口向外向內一事。那他九三年的小喇叭口與別人的大喇叭口有重要不同。另外老閻老板後麵的文章也不說C265是重要的殘基。
Fanreninus 回複 悄悄話 這個評論寫得很好,不僅英文文法優雅,信息量也大,而且非常專業,請小編把這個置頂!
Fanreninus 回複 悄悄話 Excellent comment! Very eloquent, informative and professional. Good job! Thank you! :)