2006年,17歲的何穗參加模特大賽獲獎,從此開始了她的模特生涯。2010年因為大學學業短暫退出。2011年開始在國際秀台上嶄露頭角。在秋冬紐約秀場因為Ralph Lauren開場而開始為世人矚目。從2011年開始為維多利亞秘密內衣走台,成為劉雯之後第二位來自亞洲的維密天使。她的T台,代言,雜誌業績可以說數不勝數,香奈兒,迪奧,D&G, 讓 · 保羅,Oscar de la Renta, H&M, 等等,成衣高定以及高街品牌都有她的身影。何穗也成為資生堂有史以來第一位來自亞洲的全球品牌代言人。
zephyr20122014-08-01 14:01:09回複悄悄話
I am glad to see the western fashion industry pick the powerful true Asian beauty to represent women , not only Asian women but all the beautiful women.
zephyr20122014-08-01 13:58:28回複悄悄話
好文。 I buzz this many many times . the highest level beauty is powerful beauty. she is international beauty, she can represent many races. my daughter has a good friend, she has quarter Asian blood, quarter Hawaii blood. she has a amazing little face, very strong. her twin sister is no difference from a white girl,good looking, but 泯然眾人了。 she was picked by American eagle fashion company when she was walking on new York street. I strongly recommend her to try modeling.I talked to her mother about it, she agreed.