熊貓媳婦 (熱門博主)
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(2013-10-21 10:57:35) 下一個

周末去Walmart 隨手抓了頂帽子給小熊貓戴上,居然不錯。 嘿嘿,N 多年沒在 Walmart 買過衣服了,看來 Walmart 有時也有好東東哈。 帽子是給 4 歲的小孩的, 我家9個月,戴著正好。 好大的頭!


周末有朋友看我讓小熊貓站著玩,很驚訝地問:“九個月你就讓他站著?” 嘿嘿,原來也有朋友說小孩不要讓他站得太早,對骨頭生長不好。 我們醫生說,小寶寶的羅圈腿就是在他開始站起來,走路時就慢慢地好了,直了。 中國和美國的說法很不一樣,看來是信則靈哈。 反正我是信,順其自然。 人家要站起來,我也不能硬把人家給摁倒啊。 現在這小子一放下,一咕嚕就就翻起來,不到困得不行了,就是不睡。 累死老媽了......

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閱讀 ()評論 (6)
a_lady 回複 悄悄話 太可愛了,天天看
Juzizhoutou 回複 悄悄話 I always support the idea of hybrid. See, the little Panda is a perfect proof. He is just 9 moths , but already talks by himself. If the babies able to be talkative and stand up, usually need grow up to about 1-year-old.
熊貓媳婦 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Juzizhoutou' 的評論 : 這帽子還把耳朵也遮上了。往後上山就給他戴這個。
Juzizhoutou 回複 悄悄話 The little Panda is very cute. He not just got a big head (which means smart), he also is very strong, too. It looks he could standing up by himself by grab something, but he is just 9 months.

The hat seemed like just made for him, perfectly fit his big head. I guess the hat is made in China. This Made in China is flawless though.
??è??? 回複 悄悄話 回複 'nkb' 的評論 : 昨天一幾年沒見的朋友見了我,說我看著就如她幾年前,當她寶寶還小一樣。 憔悴得一塌糊塗。 這小子晚上鬧。
nkb 回複 悄悄話 小熊貓的神態真是太可愛了,每次看見都有要把他緊緊抱住親一下的欲望。

