How to go through terrible two?
(2009-08-20 09:13:31)
1. talk positively, for example, don't say: stop climbing, say: stay right there
他講著講著,突然說:now that we are talking, don't think of blue, anything that is blue,我follow著他,腦子裏突然就出現了海啊,天啊,想著,別想這些
然後他說,what is in your mind? i know the answer, and you know it too. I believe you have something blue in your mind。。。
2. don't yell, raise your voice only when you have to
3. enter the little one's world first. For example, when she is watching TV, and you want to ask her to go sit for dinner. don't say: turn of the tv, go to you high chair, say: honey, is the TV you are watching wonderful? she will most likely say, yes. then, you ask for the names of the main character, she will most likely reply. and then, ask for turning off the TV and going for dinner
these all sound very easy and obvious, but when pointed out, i think it is reasonable, and it reminds me to do it...