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酒與杯的“門當戶對” (多圖)

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西餐文化係列二 酒與杯的“門當戶對”  李儀編譯


如果用一個狹長的玻璃杯裝rich Burgundy(一種醇厚濃烈的葡萄酒),就不能有足夠的空間讓酒在杯中打旋,而打旋正是彰顯酒的芳香之關鍵所在。 同時裝葡萄酒的酒杯還要有合適的錐度--由下至上逐漸變細, 這樣可以減緩香氣向外擴散,增強香氣在杯口的濃度。同時這個錐度還要讓飲者優雅舒適地啜飲酒。另外,杯子腳的長度要能放下握杯子的手,這樣呢,手就不會接觸到杯體,酒的溫度就不會受到影響,從而也就更加有利於突出酒的香氣。


The proper glasses - courtesy of wineview.com

White wine
Pinor Noir Burgundy
Sparkling wine
Red wine

1,冰水(water):矮腳玻璃杯。 飲水時手握腳柄,可以保持水的冰度。

2,白蘭地(Brandy): 白蘭地專用窄口酒杯。倒酒前可用兩隻手圍握杯體一小會兒,在倒酒時用一隻手握著杯體,刺激的白蘭地在倒入杯中的一霎那,因著驟然的溫暖立刻騰升成霧了。輕輕一吸,你也許就醉了

3, 白葡萄酒(White wine) : 用較小的一種寬體窄口高腳玻璃杯盛裝以便保留香氣。飲用時手握杯腳,這樣可以保持酒的低溫。

4,極品幹紅葡萄酒(Burgundy Reds and Piont Noirs):盛裝此酒的杯子比裝白葡萄酒的酒杯高一些,借以增大香氣的集結空間以顯示出酒的複雜性。

5,香檳酒(Champagne):用窄長的香檳酒玻璃杯盛裝。 這樣可以減少酒與空氣的接觸表麵積,含充在香檳酒中的氣體逃逸的速度會減慢。

6,紅葡萄酒(Red wine ):比裝白葡萄酒的酒杯大一些, 因為紅酒比白酒呈味複雜。


來來來, 請享用美酒,一醉方休:


Wine Decanters Picture


Valentines & Wine Dinner



關於極品幹紅葡萄酒(Burgundy Reds and Piont Noirs):


Imcomparable quality. Ranked with the Cabernet Sauvingon for red wines. The great grape of Burgundy, and also of Champagne.

 A grape varietal, used in the production of red and sparkling wines, originating in the Burgundy region of France. A difficult grape, countries such as the United States (Oregon, CA), Australia, Canada, Germany, and New Zealand strive to grow a high quality Pinot Noir. A component of Burgundy Reds and Champagne regional wines, it is also sold as a 100% varietal. Widely known as the worlds best classic red grape. The Pinot Noir varietal produces some of the worlds most expensive and sought after wines.
Also known as: Auvernat Noir, Pinot Droit, Coraillod, Noirien, Baluer Klevner, Schwartz Klevner, Vert Dore, Pinot Gouges, Pinot Musigny, Spätburgunder, Pinot Nero, Blauer Burgunder, Rotclevner, Nagyburgundi, Pineau.
Characteristics: Pinot Noir varietal wines vary greatly in quality and style, from dry reds to sparkling wines. Color can be light to dark red with a brown rim, and the Pinot Noir is capable of producing light to medium bodied wines. Typically velvety in texture with hints of floral, berry, butter, vanilla, and earthy tones, high in acid and tannins. Pinot Noir wines are subject to great characteristic debates.
Ageing: Drinkable young, 2 to 5 years of aging. Benefits from oak ageing, potential of 3 to 20 years.
Serving temperature: Serve at a cool temperature, 55º-65º F.
Food pairings: Food friendly. Grilled fish, beef, beef with rich sauces, grilled and/or marinated poultry, game with rich sauces, lamb, pork, veal, pasta, hard and savory cheeses, bean dishes, soups and stews.


西餐文化係列三  擺台規則     李儀編譯





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