

(2010-03-08 11:34:15) 下一個
It seems you have a special talent in selecting gifts people especially desire. That beautiful bedside lamp you gave me not only reminds of my birthday, but also of how much a friend like you means to me.


Bob and I were overjoyed with the exquisite coffee set. This lovely remembrance of yours will be used and enjoyed constantly with many pleasant thoughts of you. Thank you again so very much, Mary.

Bob 和我都很喜歡那套精美的咖啡具。我們會常常使用這個可愛的紀念品,也會懷著美好的心情想念你。Mary,我們再次謝謝你。

How wonderful you were(are) to give us such a marvelous set of matched luggage. We will have to take more trips in order to keep it in use.(it 是指 set)

Thanks seem feeble for such a lovely gift, but we do appreciate it most sincerely.



I am more than delighted with the tie you sent me for my birthday. You have shown excellent taste in your choice. Many thanks for your thoughtfulness.


Our little Lucy is head over heels in love with the lovely doll you sent her. It is so cuddly that she keeps hugging it all day long. No words can fully express my appreciation for your kindness.

我們的小 Lucy,深深愛上你送給她的可愛娃娃。它是那麼逗人喜歡,她整天摟摟抱抱。對你的好意,我們的感激,字眼難以表達。

There is no one on earth more thoughtful and generous than you. I just don't know how to thank you enough for the beautiful vase with the Chinese design. It would make any room pretty with fresh flower in it.


I was so thrilled today when I opened your package and found a magnificent gift of steak knife set.Whenever I use this gift, I’ll think of you.


I don't know how to discourage you from sending me such pretty gift each year for my birthday.

I deeply appreciate the dessert plates you gave me. They are too beautiful to use except on special occasions.


Your necklace and ear-ring set was one of the most beautiful gifts I have received. I was so overwhelmed that it almost brought tears to my eyes.


You have certainly kept up your reputation for generosity and good taste in (wedding) anniversary gifts. Nothing could have pleased Bob and me more than your pretty silver dinner service. We shall be proud to use your gift on many occasions.

你對 (結婚 )周年禮物的大方和高品味,仍享有聲譽。沒有任何東西比你送給我和 Bob 那套漂亮的銀質餐具更好。我們將在許多場合中得意地使用你的禮物。

(silver dinner service也叫silver service set)

How can I ever thank you, Bob, for this glamorous gift, in your excellent taste. Your thinking of me in such a friendly fashion will get off my new year to the very best possible start.

Bob,我真不曉得怎樣謝謝你送我這份高品味美麗動人的禮物。你這種友善的方式關心我,是我最好新年的開始。(to get off = to start)

The European vase with pretty pattern you gave me for my retirement is the most beautiful and useful gift I have received. It is going to be much in evidence in my new home. You must come to see how ideally your gift fits into its surroundings here.


(in evidence意思是easily seen)

Ed and I are very grateful for the toaster you gave us. It fills a real need and it is the right size for our kitchen counter. We'll cherish your gift always.

Ed 和我非常感謝你送給我們的烤麵包機,這真符合我們的需求,其大小也適合廚房的台麵。我們會時常珍惜你的禮物。

Thank you so very much for the beautiful clock with the lovely inscription. You certainly should not have done this, but it is so typical of your kindness and your thoughtfulness. I will treasure it all my life.


The little pink dress you gave at my baby shower is certainly gorgeous. It is so beautifully made with lace and embroidery. You were so sweet to have gone to all the trouble to buy it. My deep gratitude is endless.

在我的嬰兒禮物會上,你送的粉紅色小套裝,實在太棒了。上麵的飾邊和刺繡很漂亮,你費神去選購,很窩心。我有無限的感激。(baby shower 或 bridal shower 所送的禮物,不能代替 (結婚禮物或生孩子的禮物 ) /懷中

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