

(2010-03-29 10:19:10) 下一個
My wife and I appreciate so much your helping us during our financial hardship. Your reaching-out and pitching-in will always be remembered.


With a big heart, you always have the initiative to do what you can to help whenever you see me with a problem. I have never seen anyone more devoted to helping others. I am lucky to have you as a friend.


Thank you for your contribution of $500 to the Flood Relief Fund. Your gift will be used where most needed.

Your generosity and kindness will help those victims to have a temporary place to live.


It is good to know that whether the needy face poverty, hunger, anguish or other challenges, you are always there to support their physical and spiritual needs.

很高興知道不論那些貧困者麵臨窮苦、飢餓、悲痛或其他的挑戰,你都會支持他們身體上和精神上的需求。(the needy 指需要幫助的貧困者 )

To you, I can never fully convey in words my hearty appreciation for everything you have done for me.

I thank you for the important role you have played in my life.


Your financial support enables us to continue offering the less fortunate in our area the strength and protection they need. We are indebted(或 very much obliged) to you for what you have done for us.


(the less fortunate = the needy)

Thank you so much for agreeing to speak on U.S-China relations in our school. We are very much looking forward to hearing your presentation.I believe the audience will enjoy your expertise on the subject.


Over the past years, your cooperation and perseverance in my project have been highly helpful. I thank you profusely for having been the kind of friend I can count on.


As a principal, I would like to express my gratitude for donating a $10,000 scholarship for needy students. Your attitude of caring and sharing will help dispel the epidemic of greed and self-interest that has permeated our society today.


I am extremely grateful to everyone who put forth the time and effort, as well as those who donated money for my long-term project.


(to put forth = to give)

We are so grateful for what you did for us even with your busy schedule, but you have never gained a nickel from helping others. You really have brought hope to the hopeless.


(to gain a nickel = to gain a penny = to benefit)

As a scholar, you are known for your vast knowledge of the English language. You have touched the lives of nearly every Chinese student in our school. We want to express our appreciation for your professional assistance.


We all owe a debt of gratitude to you for caring about less fortunate children throughout our community. Your donation, warmth and sincerity make them feel important, needed and appreciated.


Your fundraising efforts in establishing a scholarship for needy students have been overwhelming. The generosity shown by your employees is nothing short of amazing. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts.


(nothing short of amazing = really amazing = fully amazing)

Thank you for my salary increase which is always welcome from a monetary point of view. It assures me that I am performing my job in a satisfactory fashion.

Again, my sincere thanks.



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