現在的資料顯示 美海軍隻有4位 5星上將
其實 還有 遲至2001年,他身後多年才被追贈補授的一位原4星海軍上將
即 下麵這位
雷蒙德·艾姆斯·斯普魯恩斯(Raymond Ames Spruance,1886年7月3日-1969年12月23日,或譯為雷蒙德·史普勞恩斯),第二次世界大戰時期美國海軍將領(最終官階為上將)、美國第五艦隊司令。戰後,曾出任美國海軍戰爭學院院長及美國駐菲律賓大使。為紀念他立下的戰功,斯普魯恩斯級驅逐艦和該級首艦斯普魯恩斯號(DD-963)皆以他的姓氏命名。
Fleet Admiral (abbreviated FADM),[1] officially known as "Fleet Admiral of the United States Navy", is a five-star flag officer rank in the United States Navy. Fleet admiral ranks immediately above admiral and is equivalent to General of the Armyand General of the Air Force. There are currently no fleet admirals on active duty and no living officer of this rank; the last living United States Navy fleet admiral wasChester W. Nimitz who died in 1966.
He was appointed as Ambassador to the Philippines by President Harry Truman, and served there from 1952 to 1955.
Spruance died in Pebble Beach, California on December 13, 1969 and was buried with full military honors. His wife, Margaret Dean (1888–1985), is buried alongside him, as are Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, his longtime friend Admiral Richmond K. Turner, and Admiral Charles A. Lockwood, an arrangement made by all of them while living.
Spruance's promotion to Fleet Admiral was blocked multiple times by Congressman Carl Vinson, a staunch partisan of Admiral William Halsey, Jr. Congress eventually responded by passing an unprecedented act which specified that Spruance would remain on a full admiral's pay once retired until death. Spruance was President of the Naval War College from February 1946 until he retired from the Navy in July 1948.
但似乎 這隻是個名義上的榮譽
一是他已經去世32年了,二是 他未被授予肩章領星和5-星將旗
Spruance's headstone at Golden Gate National Cemetery
1969年他死後 被葬於俯瞰舊金山海灣的金門國家軍墓, 其夫人1985年去世後 也葬在其身旁
其老友 Turner 特訥將軍 1961年 去世,
Lockwood 勞克伍德將軍 1967年去世
海軍5-星上將 Nimitz 尼米茲 1966年去世
這幾位老哥兒們 生前的約定: 死了也葬在一起!
老軍人的情懷, 感人!
1945-09-02 日本東京灣 美國海軍密蘇裏旗艦上 尼米茲代表美國簽署 受日本降書
身後立著 麥克阿瑟(代表聯軍),豪爾希(代表美國海軍)
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USS Nimitz CVAN-68 / CVN-68 尼米茲航母
Admiral Spruance lived quietly at Pebble Beach until December 13, 1969, when he died of arteriosclerosis at the age of 83. He was survived by his wife and a daughter, Mrs. Gerald S. Bogart of Newport, R.I. His only son, Navy Captain Edward D. Spruance, who served for 30 years, was killed in a car accident in Marin County, Calif., in May 1969.
Admiral Spruance was buried with full honors alongside Admirals Nimitz and Kelly Turner in a military cemetery overlooking San Francisco Bay. The Navy honored Spruance by giving his name to a new class of 30 destroyers, the first of which, USSSpruance, was launched in 1973. An academic building at the Naval War College was also named for him.
http://www.navyhistory.org/fleet-admirals-us-navy/ ----- 美海軍5星上將簡介, 史普勞恩斯,不在其列。
Nimitz's headstone at Golden Gate National Cemetery.
二戰後,斯普魯恩斯幾次被提報由4-星晉升到5-星上將,但都被國會, 主要是眾院 海軍事務委員會 Naval Affairs Committee 主席 卡爾-文森否決。文森是5星海軍上將 豪爾希 Halsey 的鐵杆支持者。(豪爾希早已是5-星上將了,未聞豪爾希不同意晉升 斯普魯恩斯 到5-星。)有說是 海軍5-星上將名額有限, 不對,夠資格的當升,沒有名額限製。至於為何 卡爾-文森 壓抑 斯普魯恩斯 的晉升,不詳。
Carl Vinson (November 18, 1883 – June 1, 1981) was a United States Representativefrom Georgia. He was a Democrat and served for more than 50 years in the United States House of Representatives. He was known as "The Father of the Two-Ocean Navy". He is the longest-serving member ever of the United States House of Representatives from the state of Georgia.
Carl Vinson became a Representative at age 30. He served until age 81. 從30歲到81歲 擔任美眾議院議員51年 !
At the end of the war, Congress had authorized four Naval four-star officers to be promoted to Fleet Admiral. A staunch partisan of Admiral William Halsey, Jr., Vinson blocked the nomination of Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, thought to be more deserving by the majority, multiple times to ensure that Halsey got the fourth billet. Congress eventually responded by passing an unprecedented act which specified that Spruance would remain on a full admiral's pay once retired until death.
Following World War II, the House Naval Affairs Committee was merged with the Military Affairs Committee to become the House Armed Services Committee (this consolidation mirrored the creation of the Department of Defense when the old Departments of War and of the Navy were consolidated).
In recognition of his efforts on behalf of the U.S. Navy, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was named the USS Carl Vinson, an honorrarely given to a person while living. On March 15, 1980, at age 96, he attended the ship's launching.
Vinson Massif, Antarctica's highest mountain, is also named after him, together with the related Mount Vinson and Vinson Plateau.
Carl Vinson served 26 consecutive terms in the U.S. House, rarely running against significant opposition. He served for 50 years and one month, a record that stood until 1992, when the mark was surpassed by Jamie L. Whitten of Mississippi.