弓尒 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

【普京 批評 列寧的分國自治 導致蘇聯1991年分崩離析】

(2016-02-03 10:31:18) 下一個



批評列寧的一個想法和政策 即:

劃分 和 允許  各“國下國”= 加盟共和國  一律平等 並有權退出和脫離 蘇維埃聯合共和國

這個想法本身是好的, 但 事實上

普京 說 這是 給 蘇聯大廈底下放了一顆定時炸彈

這顆炸彈還真爆炸了 導致了 1991年 蘇聯的 分崩離析和解體。


以下 援摘 部分 報道 和錄音像資料:


The Flow of Thought -  意識流 思潮 思絮

On January 21, 2016, Vladimir Putin gave rise to another round of quasi-historical debate. Summarizing a discussion on reforming the Russian Academy of Sciences at a session of the Council for Science and Education, the president reacted to an excerpt from a poem by Pasternak, as quoted by the head of the Kurchatov Institute:  “He managed the flow of thought[s] and, only thus, the country.”

Pasternak was writing about Lenin, and the president ventured his opinion of Lenin, too.

“It is right to manage the flow of thought. Only it is important that the thought leads to the desired result, not as it did in the case of Vladimir Ilyich(列寧). But the idea itself is correct. Ultimately, the idea led to the Soviet Union’s collapse, that is what. There were many such thoughts: autonomization and so on. They planted an atomic bomb under the edifice known as Russia. It did, in fact, blow up later. And we had no need of world revolution.”

Thus, consciously or not, the president marked the anniversary of the death of the Soviet Union’s founder. 





Russian president blames revolutionary’s federalism for break up of Soviet Union and creating ethnic tension in region

Putin makes an unusually harsh criticism of Russian revolutionary leader Lenin






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