印第安語 諧音音譯
當地人 多發音: Shenando, 神能都,後麵的 -ah 弱化了,幾乎 被哈咪了 聽不到~
Shenandoah 詞義 有幾個不同的說法
或 就是
族姓 名字
數年前 在NYU的一個餐廳裏,一位售賣師傅 (他 有著一副 印第安人的模樣)
玩笑地 對我說 你來自 Shenandoah ~
我 笑答 是的 ~ sure ~
以 Shenandoah 命名的有幾處
賓州 有
弗吉尼亞州 有
Shenandoah河 流經 西弗吉尼亞 和 弗吉尼亞
Shenandoah山脈 在弗吉尼亞州, 且有一個 Shenandoah 國立公園
這些地方我都去過或呆過 ,,,
(這幾天 我恰好又在 神能度 ~,
不知能否遇到酋長~, 也不知 他是否有一位待字閣中的千金 ~)
悠然 抒情 開闊 浪漫
極似 吟吐哼唱 迷人聯想 仿佛 眼見 大河流中的貨船 船長水手
目睹 岸上的 酋長族人 和 其聰明健美的 女兒
Shenandoah is said to have originated with French voyageurs traveling down the Missouri River.
The lyrics tell the story of a trader who fell in love with the daughter of an Algonquian chief, Shenandoah.
American sailors heading down the Mississippi River picked up the song and
made it a capstan shanty that they sang while hauling in the anchor.
Shenandoah was printed as part of Capt. Robert Chamblet Adams' article "Sailors' Songs",
in the April 1876 issue of The New Dominion Monthly.
He also included it in his 1879 book On Board the "Rocket".
It was later printed as part of William L. Alden's article "Sailor Songs",
in the July 1882 issue of Harper's New Monthly Magazine.
The song had become popular as a sea chanty with sailors by the 1880s.
Sea Songs and Shanties, Collected by W.B. Whall, Master Mariner (First edition in Nov 1910),
states that the song probably originated from American or Canadian "voyageurs", who were great singers.
Thomas Moore drew inspiration from them in his Canadian Boat Song. The author further goes on and
states that he heard it sung over fifty years prior to publishing the book, which place its origin
at least a fair bit earlier than 1860. Besides sung at sea, this song figured in old public school collections.
歌詞 有4-5個版本,擇最多唱 最流行的 附下:
(小生撰輯 2014 年末)