咪嗚 (熱門博主)
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(2018-07-17 09:05:29) 下一個

Luca Modric



這就是那個著名的放羊視頻,其中小童是Modric  http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/sports/1273671.html

原文: “Thanks for the congratulations. As for the Luka Modric, well, he was born in a small village in the Velebit mountain near Zadar, and he was indeed helping his father as a shepherd. However, this is so common in the area and to say that this was his primarily and only task is a little exaggerated.“

大家可能已經看了中國量產的關於一個所謂出生放羊娃兒,在克羅地亞難民營長大的英雄的故事,感動得肝腸寸斷。但實際上,莫德維奇並不太公開談這些,因為他媽媽是塞爾維亞人! 在克羅地亞,這是太敏感的話題。


原文:“As for the perjury, it is a little story. As a young player, he was spotted by Zdravko Mamic, a manager and a coach of Dinamo Zagreb, and brought to play for Dinamo. Later on, Mamic sold him to Totenhem England and promised to give him some percentage of the transfer. Apparently this was less than expected (promised) and Luka was angry at him, even threatened to sue him (all this was very much public). When Mamic was put on the court (because he did so many transfers in which he pick up the money for himself), Luka was called as a witness, but this time he denied his saying, (most likely in collaboration with Mamic). Mamic is now prosecuted and he even escaped from Croatioa (hiding in Bosnia). So Luka Modric might be put on court as well for saying two different statements. Personally, I do not believe in it especially after this World Cup."





無獨有偶,同在球隊的另一個英雄,守門員 Subasic, 


Subasic是塞爾維亞人,但出生生活在克羅地亞,並和一個克羅地亞姑娘相愛。姑娘的爸爸是堅定的克羅地亞民族主義者,他宣稱他要殺了自己的女兒, 如果她膽敢嫁給一個塞爾維亞人。Subasic 後來逃離了家鄉,現在,他英雄般地榮歸故裏!那個堅定的克羅地亞民族主義者,也和所有克羅地亞人一樣,歡呼自己的塞爾維亞女婿得意這是怎樣的荒誕!

原文:“the story about the Croatian goalkeeper (Subasic, the guy who literally brought Croatia to the semifinals by saving 3 penalties against Denmark, and 2 against Russia) is even more touching. He is a Serbian from Croatia and somewhere before the war he was dating a Croatian girlfriend Antonia. Antonia's father , Ante,  a great nationalist, threatened that he would kill his own daughter if she marries the Serbian. This was so serious that Antonia called the police. The young Subasic fled, found his resort in Monaco (where he is still goalkeeper), married Antonia, earned the world attention.  Guess what? That same Ante is now cheering that his son-in-law is a hero." 

這裏需要解釋一下。他說是“dating before the war”。這個時間點,他寫錯了,他今晚回郵解釋說

I was definitely talking about Subasic, but I mentioned “dating before the war” instead of “after the war” (perhaps that caused the confusion). Here are two links (in Croatian) talking about just that love.




 The war has finished in 1995 but the tensions are present even today. 

Subasic's father Jovo Subasic is definitely a Serbian but he is afraid to talk about it (even today) so he often says he is Orthodox Croatian. He is from the same area as my brother's father in law. And I heard (this I am not sure) that even his mother is Serbian roots, after all she has a typical Serbian name Boja (Jovo is also a typical Serbian name). This might sound strange but unfortunately true. I wish I have translations for the two articles (links), both from the Croatian newspapers.“




前南印象 (1 )http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/47165/201605/935850.html?

前南印象 (2)http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/47165/201606/1000039.html



前南印象 (3)http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/47165/201606/1002216.html






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閱讀 ()評論 (8)
塵之極 回複 悄悄話 多謝。非常有趣的文章。
咪嗚 回複 悄悄話 回複 '安娜晴天' 的評論 : 問好安娜!我也就是一個有文化的比利時農村家庭婦女,也就是剩下提籠架鳥,養貓種花,到處瞎逛逛,然後聊八卦了,-:( 一事無成,愧對所有一切...
安娜晴天 回複 悄悄話 喜歡讀你這些八卦故事。 問好。 我也超級喜歡足球。
ali31416 回複 悄悄話 Thanks for checking. 我弄明白了,克族的足球英雄其實是塞族人或者是半個塞族人。
咪嗚 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ali31416' 的評論 : 我現在可以明確地回複你了:

“I was definitely talking about Subasic, but I mentioned ”dating before the war“ instead of ”after the war (perhaps that caused the confusion)“. Here are two links (in Croatian) talking about just that love.



The war has finished in 1995 but the tensions are present even today.

His father Jovo Subasic is definitely a Serbian but he is afraid to talk about it (even today) so he often says he is Orthodox Croatian. He is from the same area as my brother's father-in-law. And I heard (this I am not sure) that even Subasic's mother is Serbian roots, after all, she has a typical Serbian name Boja (Jovo is also a typical Serbian name). This might sounds strange but unfortunately true. I wish I have translations for the two articles (links), both from the Croatian newspapers.
咪嗚 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ali31416' 的評論 : 謝謝你的評論。我去問我的朋友了,我也覺得年齡時間上,我朋友搞錯了。但他是塞爾維亞人,應該不會錯。這沒有什麽不正常的。塞族人,出生居住在克羅地亞。實際上,我朋友,女方是波斯尼亞穆斯林,男方,即回複我的,就是塞族克羅地亞人。我的博客鏈接中有介紹這對朋友夫婦。
ali31416 回複 悄悄話 Suba?i? was born to a Croatian father Jovo Suba?i? of Orthodox faith from village Zagrad near Benkovac, and a Croatian Catholic mother Boja (née Brklja?a) from village Ra?tevi?. He was raised Catholic. 啥時候成塞爾維亞人了?他84年生的,克塞戰爭是91-95年,他7-11歲相愛如果屬實也是夠早的。
錦西 回複 悄悄話 好文章,好思想。讚。