新英語900句 lesson11
(2011-06-21 07:50:11)
Lesson 11: Movies 電影
151. That film is number one in the country right now. 現在那部電影全國排名第一。 152. I think that this film is that actor’s best film. 這句難 153. I was too scared to watch some scenes. 我太害怕了,有些鏡頭不敢看。 154. I think the special effects were incredible. 我認為這些特技效果簡直難以置信。 155. The movie was a little different from the book it was based on. 電影和書(電影根據書改編)有一點不同。 156. I think young children shouldn’t see this movie. 我認為小孩子不應該看這部電影。 157. My uncle likes old movies better. 我叔叔更喜歡老電影。 158. My teacher is very smart, but he likes simple action movies. 我的老師很聰明,但是他喜歡情節簡單的功夫片。 159. The director is very young, but already famous. 導演很年輕,但是已經很有名了。 160. Foreign films are too strange for my taste. 外國電影對我的口味來說太怪異了。 161. What kind of movies do you like to watch? 你喜歡看什麽樣的電影? 162. Do you like science-fiction movies? 你喜歡科幻電影嗎? 163. Why don’t we check the newspaper listings for movie show times? 為什麽不查看一下報紙上的電影放映時間預告呢? 164. Why would you want to see a movie that you know nothing about? 你怎麽會想看一部你一點都不了解的電影呢? 165. I’ve seen all his movies and collect pictures and magazine articles about him. 我看過他的所有電影,並且收集了關於他的照片和雜誌文章。