
Dealing with the problem of today's youth

(2006-03-14 12:39:04) 下一個
It seems to me that today's youth is really spoilt compared with earlier generations. They tend to be slow growers in terms of emotional development. They take parents' selfless sacrifice for granted and are too dependent on their parents for everything including emotional wellbeings. When they encounter any difficulty, they may first blame their parents for not looking after them wholeheartedly, and others for not having a sympathetic inklings. In order for today's youth to overcome this problem, it is important for them to recognize it and then find appropriate solutions. I believe they need definitely broaden their minds and be thankful to what their parents have done for them. They should not feel discontented if their parents are unable to do even more. It is essential that they learn to deal with their difficulty without others' help, and develop a gracious feeling for others (including their parents) when a slightest favour comes to their way. This again touches the issue of so-called "rich-upbringing" and "poor-upbringing". From what I have read before, a lot of people prefer "rich-upbringing" for their kids (especially daughters). To me, if "rich-upbringing" means that kids get what they want without being aware of their duties, it is frought with danger and maybe detrimental to the kids' long-term emotional health. To tell you the truth, today's kids are much smarter than we were. They know how to get away with what they want for as little effort as possible. Therefore, "rich-upbringing" should not be merely a material-related issue, but also include spiritual deveopment. The latter is exemplified by emotional independence, self-confidence, gratefulness and optimism. I am not advocating that parents abandon their responsibility for their kids. However, if parents think the fulfillment of parenting is simply to feed and clothe their kids well, they are mistaken completely. That is like giving fish to the kids, not teaching them how to fish. On the other hand, if grown-up kids are still not independent, and continue to blame their parents for not properly teaching how to fish, they are doomed to have difficulty in their life. Times may be different, but human tendency is always the same. Every generation faces unique situations, but their temptation is nearly identical.
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