
Gifted kids

(2006-02-23 10:21:18) 下一個
Traits of giftedness:

1. Heightened perceptual skills. Child is acute aware of and responsive to his/her environment.
2.Intense curiosity.
3.Unuasual motivation and perseverance.
4.Drive to organize and perfect. Setting impossible high standard for self.
5.Advanced problem-solving ability and conceptualiztion.
6.Search for challenge.
7.Originality and humor. Child puts elements together in new ways, uses new approached to task, often displays keen sense of humor.
8.Resourcefulness and independence. Child seeks his/her own direction, is self-initiating.
9.Fondness for elabration.Child loves to embellish by adding on to ideas, respoonses and solutions. Generates alternatives, concerned with detail.
10.Acute sensitivity. Reacts strongly to moral and social issues, feel joy,pain injustice, sarcasm and rejection keenly. this may make child more painful for some issues than regular kids.

Charateristics of gifted kids

Behaviors Associate with

Bored with routine tasks, refuses to do Creativity: high tolerance, independen and
routine homework;not interested in details; divergent thinking, risk taking,sensitive
hands in messy work; make jokes at imaginative
inappropriate time

Refuse to accept authority, noncomforming Motivation: persistence in interest area
stubborn, difficult to move to new topic, intensity of felling and values,independence
emotionally seensitive--may over react.
gets angry easily.

Tends to dominate others, often disagree Critical thinking: See discrepancies between
vocally with others, with teachers about idea/truth/expressions. Set high standards.
ideas and values, self-critical, impatient Capable of analysis and evaluation
with failures, critical about others and

Some non-angelic behaviors

1.Shows great curiosity, ask many questions and drive teacher and others "up-the wall".
2.Has Many different interests and hobbies.
3.Attends to different lessons ans tasks far behind normal kids.
4.Exhibits a high-energy level to some specific tasks.
5. Show advanced reading, writing, language and math skills. like to improve theri skills by working alone.
6.Has an exceptional memory for details.
7. Develop imaginative and original solution to problem.
8.Ask "why" often and really wants to know the answer.

Problems gifted kids often have
1. Critical attitude to others and themselves.
3.Need for success and vulnerable to peer group rejection.
4.Escape into verbalism
5.Dislike of routine and drills.
6.Resistance to direction.
7.Easily frustrated.
8.Pressure from adults, teacher and parents often leads to rebellions.
10. Invention of own system somtimes causes conflict.
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